Thursday, February 26, 2015

Portland's Gentrification: Now Color Coded!

Portland's Gentrification: Now Color Coded!

Portland's Gentrification: Now Color Coded!

The Portland Housing Bureau has released a mostly-finished draft of its "Housing Opportunity Analysis," its look at where the city can help fight the negative effects on gentrification on the people who already live there.
Part of its analysis includes a color-coded map that predicts where the heaviest levels of gentrification are likely to occur.
(Not so) BREAKING: Most of the city, including inner Southeast Portland, North Portland and Division Street is headed for one heck of a white-bread future.
But there's a few outliers in the crosshairs of gentrification that may not yet be in the uber-hipster radar: St. Johns, for example. And land around Interstate 84 almost all the way to 82nd Avenue.
The draft plans also include housing bureau strategies on how to both encourage the growth that brings the yupsters and their offspring—transit, affordable housing stock, good grocery stores and schools—and to make sure the minority and low-income communities already in a 'hood aren't completely run out.
The housing bureau's about 90 percent done with the study, with the final draft expected in October.

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