Friday, October 5, 2018

Calais, ME Fire, Aug 1870 | GenDisasters ... Genealogy in Tragedy, Disasters, Fires, Floods

Calais, ME Fire, Aug 1870 | GenDisasters ... Genealogy in Tragedy, Disasters, Fires, Floods

Calais, ME Fire, Aug 1870

Extensive Destruction of Buildings in Calais, Me.
CALAIS, Me., Aug. 27.---A fire broke out this afternoon in the rear of Mr. Samuel Ridout's livery stable, which was destroyed, together with stores occupied by Blake & Taylor, Wm. Todd, Jr., M. Silveston, A. E. Neill, James Perkins, Miss Hill, Boardman Bros., S. S. King & Sons, W. P. Harrison, Wadsworth & Kelley, Nickerson & Ridout, Harton Brothers, Geo. W. Eye, Daniel Hill, C. W. Eye, C. Waite & Co., and Bailey's photograph rooms, Calais Advertiser office, Wadsworth & Kelley's grist-mill, Benjamin Hutchins' sail-loft, Hitchcock & Cone's livery stable, Peabody, McDonald & Co's machine-shop, Hamilton Foundry, St. Croix Hall, with the City rooms and Post-office below, many dwellings and tenement-houses, large quantity of lumber, and much wharf property. Also, thirteen vessels lying at the wharves, Nickerson & Ridout's, and Wm. Huid's and Robertson's ship-yards, and three vessels on the stocks, the Marine Railway and Dry Dock, the Congregational Vestry and Masonic Hall. Much property burnt after the removal from the stores and houses. No estimate of the loss has yet been made. The insurances are in the Etna, Hartford, Home, Phoenix and Security, of New York; Home, of New Haven; Independent, of Boston; Franklin, of Philadelphia; the Thomaston, and several Bangor insurance offices.
The New York Times, New York, NY 28 Aug 1870
The Fire at Calais, Me.---Relief for the Sufferers.
To the Editor of the New-York Times:
The loss by fire at Calais, Me., amounts to about $1,000,000. Many persons are rendered homeless. Aid is solicited for the sufferers whose necessities are greater than the citizens of Calais can supply. Subscriptions may be sent to:
No.32 Broadway,
No. 115 Wall-street.
The New York Times, New York, NY 2 Sept 1870
Insurance Losses from the Fire at Calais---Hartford, Conn., on Short Allowance of Water.
HARTFORD, Conn., Sept. 3.---Partial reports of the insurance losses by the great fire in Calais, Me., received here are as follows; Etna, $35,000; Phoenix, $5,000, and Hartford, $21,000, all of this city; Home, of New-York, $16,000; Home, of New-Haven, $30,000......There is but a three weeks' supply of water in the city reservoir, and if rain does not come, pumping from the Connecticut River will have to be again resorted to. For a few days the water has been very noxious, and it is found not to be in the reservoirs but in the accumulation of vegetable and animal matter in the mains.
The New York Times, New York, NY 4 Sept 1870

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