Giuliani: "Massive Collusion" Between DNC, Obama Admin, Clinton People & Ukraine To Create False Info About Trump
Giuliani also remarked on the media's hypocrisy with covering Russian collusion but not collusion with Ukraine and other actors to pass bad information about Donald Trump around. Giuliani said Biden family connection to Ukraine is not being investigated because the press is "totally corrupt."
"The fact is this was a massive collusion between the Democratic National Committee, officials of the Obama administration, Clinton people, and the Ukrainian officials, corrupt officials -- who, by the way, were pro-Russian corrupt officials -- to create false information about Trump, about Manafort," Giuliani told FOX News host Laura Ingraham in an interview Thursday night.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS: All right. Rudy, I want to move on to the backlash you’ve been receiving for calling on the DOJ, I guess to investigate Biden and his family. You haven't talked about this before on the show. And these questionable ties to the Ukraine, especially the sweetheart payday Hunter Biden ended up getting with fund there.
INGRAHAM: Here are just a few of these examples. Let's listen.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, has been pushing the Justice Department to go hard on Hunter Biden's ties to Ukraine.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a blatant use to use a foreign power to tarnish Trump's potential general election opponent.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Rudy Giuliani is telegraphing it. It’s clearly Hunter and in some ways, they almost want to create foreign interference, throw in the Ukraine and the Russians, and Giuliani has been to the Ukraine. He’s got Ukrainian clients.
GIULIANI: They are out of their minds. Look, I came --
INGRAHAM: Hold on, just in the last hour, it gets better. "The New York Times" posted this story online, quote: Giuliani plans Ukraine trip to push for inquiries that could help Trump.
Ooh, like you’re not allowed to travel, apparently, Rudy, to help your client. Jeez.
GIULIANI: Well, I am his lawyer. One of the things lawyers do when you defend a client is to develop innocent hypothesis, explanations of what your client was charged with.
Well, the fact is this was a massive collusion between the Democratic National Committee, officials of the Obama administration, Clinton people, and the Ukrainian officials, corrupt officials -- who, by the way, were pro-Russian corrupt officials -- to create false information about Trump, about Manafort.
This is -- this is real -- not collusion, conspiracy to present false information, and to leak it to the press, and to give it to the FBI.
The Ukrainian government is presently investigating it. My aim is to make sure that Soros’ representatives, who have a lot of influence in that government, and a very highly corrupt Ukrainian who actually participated in creating a false document about Paul Manafort, actually, he has been found guilty of bad by the Ukrainian court.
INGRAHAM: Yes, I saw that.
GIULIANI: That they do not prevent the continuation of this investigation, which they are trying to do.
All I want the Ukrainian government to do is investigate, and don't let these people buffalo you. And that’s what they’re trying to do.
GIULIANI: Now, Biden came to me --
INGRAHAM: I don’t understand it. Why isn't the media interested in this? Why isn’t the media pursuing this?
GIULIANI: Because the media is totally corrupt.
INGRAHAM: -- Russian collusion, Russia collusion, why not this? I mean, it's a fascinating story, and everyone, John Solomon is reporting on this.
GIULIANI: It’s a big story. It’s a dramatic story. And I guarantee you, Joe Biden will not get to election day without this being investigated, not because I want to see him investigated. This is collateral to what I was doing.
But here are the facts, Laura. Joe Biden was appointed the point man for Ukraine. Two to three weeks later, his son, Hunter, who had just been tossed out of the military for testing positive for cocaine, was appointed to a position on the most corrupt agency, the most corrupt business in Ukraine, a natural gas business called Burisma, which was headed by an oligarch who was being protected by Putin in Russia.
And Biden's kid took down about $3 million or $4 million that we could count. And Biden, when the kid got under investigation, actually says, quote, I strong-armed the president of the Ukraine to dismiss the prosecutor because the son of -- I will leave it out -- was corrupt.
What he left out of the explanation was that prosecutor was right on the tail of his son, looking for the money that appeared to have been laundered from Latvia to Croatia to America. And when he tried to get the Croatian government to give the amount of money that Hunter Biden received, all of a sudden, the president of the Ukraine gets a call from the vice president of the United States, and he has told you are not going to get your $1.2 billion loan guarantee, which they needed then to prevent default, unless you dismiss the prosecutor.
GIULIANI: The president didn't want to do it. He was the godfather of the prosecutor's children. He didn't want to do it.
INGRAHAM: This is like -- this is like a James Patterson novel.
GIULIANI: Now, if you tell me this doesn’t get investigated between now and election day, then our Justice Department is as corrupt as "The Washington Post", CNN.
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