Wednesday, October 30, 2019

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election 

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election

The conservative watchdog organization Judicial Watch has obtained bombshell new documents by suing the federal government. The documents show that the Obama Administration [including Hillary Clinton] knew about ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq before the 2012 election and knew days before the deadly attacks in Sept. 2012 that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to Syria.

Related Video: Rand Paul Asks Hillary Clinton About Arms Smuggling From Benghazi To ISIS

CATHERINE HERRIDGE, FOX NEWS CHIEF INTEL CORRESPONDENT: Newly released documents show a serious disconnect between what the administration said and what was known in the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). This Sept. 16, 2012 memo copied to the National Security Council, the CIA, the State Dept. and others, concluded the Benghazi terror attack was planned at least ten days prior in advance.

The DIA memo also reports the attack was tied to 9/11 [11th anniversary] and was retaliation for a 2012 drone strike that killed an al-Qaeda strategist. There is no discussion of a demonstration or an anti-Islam video.

"The intention was to attack the consulate and kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for the killing of Aboyahiye Al-Liby i Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 Sept, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center."

Judicial Watch obtained these records by suing in federal court...

Another DIA memo from 2012 predicts the rise of ISIS and the establishment of a calphate 17 months before President Obama called the terror group "the JV team."

Another DIA memo dated October 5, 2012 leaves no doubt that U.S. intelligence agencies were clearly aware that deadly weapons were being shipped to Syria via the port of Benghazi.

In an interview with FNC's Bret Baier the former acting CIA director skirted the topic.

Hillary Clinton also skirted the topic in her only testimony about Benghazi in January 2013.

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