Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Bet you didn't know


Bet you didn't know

Bet you didn't know, most of the parts for a wind turbine are built in Germany, it requires 60 gallons of oil to lubricant the turbine (where do you think that oil leaks when a seal busts - onto the ground or into the water).
The blades are made of a toxic fiberglass combination and are buried in landfills in Wyoming.
The turbine has to spin continually for 7 plus years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture the turbine.
It has to run continuously for 50 years just to pay for the cost to manufacture and install the turbine...which is approximately $2 million dollars per turbine. However, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the lifespan of wind turbine is only about 20 to 25 years.
Can you say SCAM?????

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