Environmentalist Policies Continue to Increase Electricity Costs | Center for Industrial Progress
Environmentalist Policies Continue to Increase Electricity Costs

Electricity is a force for so much human good that one hundred years ago it was
“the great emancipator of the toiler.” Today, in the comfort of our
homes, and with the flip of a switch, we turn on the lights, run our
household appliances,
access a world of knowledge and entertainment through electronic
devices and the internet, and engage in countless other life-serving
activities, that wouldn’t be possible without electricity.
Unfortunately, the cost of this freedom from toil is
rising as a result of environmentalist influence over government
policies, as the Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently
explained in a blog post titled “European residential
electricity prices increasing faster than prices in United States.”
EIA explains:
“In 2013, average EU residential prices were 0.20 euro per
kilowatthour (euro/kWh), which translates to about 26.57 cents per
kilowatthour (cents/kWh), a 43% increase from the average 2006 price of
18.80 cents/kWh. In that same time, U.S. prices increased only 17%, from
10.40 cents/kWh to 12.12 cents/kWh.”
In Europe, rather than seeking to increase the availability of low
cost electricity, governments enforce scarcity by manipulating the
factors influencing electricity prices such as “(r)egulatory
structures—including taxes and other user
fees, investment in renewable energy technologies, and the mix and cost of fuels.”
For instance, in Germany, “taxes and levies
for about half of retail electricity prices, [and] transmission system
operators charge residential consumers a renewable energy levy that is
used to subsidize certain renewable generation facilities.” This is in
addition to policies which penalize coal and nuclear electricity
The burden imposed on residents is significant, as the EIA reports: “In 2013, average residential
electricity rates
in European Union” were nearly 27 cents per kilowatthour, and in
Germany and Denmark they were nearly 40 cents per kilowatthour, while
they were only 12 cents per kilowatthour in the United States.
Mandating policies that increase electricity costs should be viewed
as a vice, but in European nations such as in Germany–and increasingly
in America–increasing energy costs are viewed as a virtue by
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