How Netanyahu’s Win May Have Made Impeachment of Obama Possible
Greg Conterio |
March 18 2015
First, as I am writing this, it appears Benjamin Netanyahu will win his re-election bid, and remain Prime Minister of Israel. While I rejoice in what this means for our best and closest ally in the middle-east, this means there may well be very serious repercussions reverberating back here in the U.S. For a number of weeks now, there have been stories in the news that Obama has sent operatives to Israel for the specific purpose of helping Netanyahu’s opponent prevail in the election. If true, this is blatantly illegal both in Israel AND here in the U.S. So why is Netanyahu’s victory a big deal? Because if his opponent, Herzog had won, any investigation into interference by Obama would be more likely to be quashed. With a Netanyahu victory, any such investigation will be much more vigorous, and have the interests of a sitting government behind it. Should solid, hard evidence come out proving illegal interference, it will be a very serious problem for Obama.
But we have already seen scandal after scandal involving Obama, his deputies, and his lawless ways. Why should this be any different? Why would this be the one to possibly bring him down? Three words: Hillary’s email server. Not what’s on it; I expect that anything the least bit incriminating is long gone by now. That is exactly why people maintain their own email servers, to have total physical control over the data. No, it’s not what is ON the server, it’s how we found out about it. It was reported first by the New York Post this week that Obama himself is behind “leaking” the story about Hillary’s server. So far, attention has all been focused on what this means for Hillary’s presidential aspirations, with a number of Democrats piling on. What I have not seen much talk about at this point is what this means for Obama.
Say what you will about the Clintons, they have been good little soldiers for Obama. They have supported him, they have campaigned for him, they have come to his rescue when he needed them. It has long been speculated that there was a “deal” in place, that in exchange for their support, Obama would in turn support Hillary when her turn came in 2016. The Clintons held up their end. What did they receive in turn? Obama screwed them. Absolutely and unequivocally. And for no apparent reason than his own narcissism. It is being openly speculated, even among democrats, that Hillary will not recover from this. If true, Obama has effectively “nuked” her campaign, before it even got off the ground.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have no sympathy for Hillary or Bill. They have nobody to blame but themselves. After all, if there was no dirt there to be dug, there would be nothing to leak. If Hillary is really “done,” I consider it a win for the good guys. And there are few political wins as savory as those which the bad guys inflict upon themselves. Hillary retiring to the “private sector” is nothing but good in my book, but I digress.
There may well be another “win” lurking here that we have not yet appreciated. Destroying a political ally after they have delivered everything they promised you is not how the game is played. Whether it was intended or not, there was a message sent here to every other Democrat in Washington, and that message is: Obama cannot be trusted. Even if you hold up your end of the deal, even if you support him in every meaningful way, in Stalin-esque fashion, he may turn around and destroy you on a whim. He cannot be trusted to hold up his end of the deal.
This brings us back to a Netanyahu win, and the possibility of finding hard evidence the Obama administration meddled with the Israeli election. If such evidence is presented, and if the Republicans discover enough of a spine to prosecute him for it, what possible reason would there be for any democrat to support him? What could he possibly offer? Why in the world would he be believed, by his own party? By “nuking” Hillary, Obama has just transformed himself into Democrat Kryptonite.
When Bill Clinton was impeached, a grumbling, disgruntled left-wing of the Democrat Party, led by Ted Kennedy, went to him, and effectively said “Your butt is hanging in the breeze. We can save it for you, but if we do, there will be no more “welfare reform,” no more “triangulating,” no more “moving to the middle,” no more attention to your own legacy. If we save you, you will push OUR agenda.” And Clinton obliged. A look at his final two years reveals a swing to the left. If the republicans decide to impeach Obama, what coalition of Democrats will go to him offering a deal with any expectation he will hold up his end?
Time will tell.
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