8 Men To Rule Them All: Soros And Globalist Party Now Control More Than Half Of The World

Men like Soros and Rothschild pull the strings for some of the richest puppets that the world has ever known.
This is where some would say that Trump (who is nowhere near as rich as those on this list) himself has been questioned regarding his taxes, but that would be due to a lack of understanding of just what got Trump elected. Trump has already said that a lot of the things that he did were things that he had to do in order to keep his business afloat.
The reason is because the system is corrupt, and while he did the dance so to speak, he didn’t much care for the music. He see’s how the average American is losing even the opportunity for upward growth, and he has dedicated the remaining years of his life to stop it from happening any longer.

Many people in America are held down by the actions of the most powerful.
For instance, Bill Gates, who also tends to side with any tax that will hurt the nation that made him the richest man alive, is worth $75 billion dollars. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is on the list, a man who has done many great injustices towards free speech. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is also on the list, a man is in favor of things that limit the Fourth Amendment all the way to down to what size soda pop a person may enjoy.
It is important to note that for conservatives and libertarians, this displeasure over great wealth may seem hypocritical, but it is not. For one thing, true free market principles would say that Mark Zuckerberg has every right to earn as much as he can, and if he reaches too far, the economy will cut him down as a matter of economic fluxing and readjusting. Well, this is exactly what we are seeing in the mass rebellion against many of these people’s business practices.
To continue using Zuckerberg as an example, is it permissible to earn as much possible if it means doing things like manipulating the traffic of the site to media that is paid for over those that just sign up? If so, where is this stated in the account agreement?

Gates has been questioned by nations about the safety of his charities.
Those in the know are saying that if this kind of lopsided injustice is allowed to continue, then we are going to see more things like the election of Donald Trump and the recent Brexit. The market is really “the people”, and the people have had enough. Promoted music videos have been used to make us as dumb as a post, media lies have painted everything that has made America really great as something to be apologized for, and all the while those at the very top are dodging their taxes….which brings us to..Trump, again.

The fact that 8 people own as much as half of the globe’s population is felt by some more deeply than others.
Trump has shown the world that while these eight people may be the target that everyone is hurling darts at (and in some instances with good reason), they are not the problem alone. The problem is also the career politicians that write these laws.
They are the ones who make restrictions so high that business can no longer be done in America for an affordable rate. Politicians write the tax code that shelters these 8 men, not these 8 men. The world is waking up to this fact, and with any luck, the awakening will keep mushrooming.
The saddest part is that people can make a good deal of money and not have to hole away more wealth than half of the planet (3.6 billion souls), which is number so vast that the only way to put it into perspective is to say that the average night sky alive with every star that can be seen with the naked eye is less than 10,000. It would take 300,000 TIMES more stars to equal three billion, minus the .6 billion!
George Soros funds the very
politicians that allow the richest to oppress the average American. This
has lead to the Trump train.
That there, despite his (gag) support of John Kerry for president, is what the American dream is supposed to be about. Not every dime needs to be made at the expense of everyone else in order to have a life that is lavish and offspring who inherit riches. Not everyone is going to be able to create something that has $400 million dollars in worth either, but one thing is absolutely certain; more people will if the same rules apply to everyone and if taxes are low enough to allow for growth.
The USA needs to again make things, and if the only person who is going to point these truths out is Donald Trump, then may God bless Donald Trump. If we keep denying what is happening in the economy, then the fact that 1 in 10 people live on only $2 is going to worsen. When that happens, history books proclaim that upheavals happen and people go to war.
Nations fall, and economies crash. Hopefully, these 8 people can afford a history book.
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