Liberal left narrative is so important to them (religiously important) that they will do "anything" to ensure their big government socialism becomes a reality in America
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Bribed Republicans to Influence Election
The information released shows that the Hillary Clinton campaign staffers bribed six Republicans to “destroy Trump”.
The evidence includes an email from John Podesta to Huma Abedin discussing diverting Clinton campaign funds to various Republicans who were secretly on the Clinton payroll. reports:
The email, sent in July of this year, describes how funds were being diverted from Clinton’s campaign to the Super PACS of Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich.
According to the email: “JB, CF, and JK PACS will be noticeably silent for the rest of the campaign. Each will receive a significant allowance from advertising budget. HRC is in the loop and has talked to all three personally. Eyes only.”
This email was dated days before Speaker of the House Paul Ryan withdrew the invitation to Donald Trump to speak at an event in Wisconsin. Though not a “smoking gun”, it seems that Ryan was in on the dirty deed, as well.
“Other emails hint at the money being moved to Republican elected officials in the House and Senate. For instance FEC reports shows that two large donations from PACS and private sources in early October went to John McCain right after he publicly criticized Trump.”
Senator Lindsay Graham, another outspoken critic of Donald Trump and briefly candidate for President from July to December also, it seems, received help from the Clintons. An email that simply states, “Cleared the road for him in 2020,” could mean that there will be no strong or supported Democrat in the South Carolina Senate race when Graham is up for re-election.
As with McCain, Graham has publicly called for a look into the alleged Russian influence in the 2016 election.
All of the members of the GOP in cahoots with the Clintons will never, likely, be fully known
While there is no surprise that Hillary Clinton would act criminally, and in fact treasonously, during the election (a private email server, I am sure, is only the tip of the overall iceberg), the real disappointment is that the representatives involved also acted in such a deplorable manner, and did not say anything about the illegal shenanigans.This is an example why there are folks out there who believe there is no difference between the political parties, and that in reality it is all about protecting each other’s grasp on political power.
This is also an example of why Trump was so successful during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. People, or at least Trump’s supporters, know this kind of stuff goes on, and they wanted an outsider to go in and drain the swamp in “both” parties.
All of the members of the GOP in cahoots with the Clintons will never, likely, be fully known. In fact, the number may be incredibly high. We know from Trevor Loudon’s film and book, “Enemies Within”, that socialism and communism has a firm hold of our government as well, with over 100 members of Congress having ties to either the Democratic Socialists of America or Communist Party USA. . . and that doesn’t even get into the ones with Muslim Brotherhood connections.
The reality is, what we see through this WikiLeaks report is that the ability to sell one’s soul for power is non-partisan, and crosses party lines.
Socialism and communism has a firm hold of our government
Let us not think that with Hillary Clinton losing the Presidency, the Clintons are somehow out of the picture. The Clintons, and the Obamas (for that matter), will continue to do what they can to disrupt the Trump presidency, not because they have hopes of getting back into the White House as much as because the liberal left narrative is so important to them (religiously important) that they will do “anything” to ensure their big government socialism becomes a reality in America.As I like to tell groups during my public speaking engagements, “Leftism is like the current under the boat on the Niagara River pushing us toward the destructive forces of Niagara Falls. It never stops. It never gives up. The current constantly flows. Therefore, we must practice eternal vigilance as we work to row in the opposite direction.”
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