Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections

Leaked funding documents
reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate
election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more
expansively than has been previously reported.
The billionaire and convicted felon
moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to
change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity
measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the
political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority
groups about voting rights threats.
These Soros-funded efforts moved through dozens of 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) charities
and involved the active compliance with civil rights groups, government
officials, and purportedly non-partisan groups like the League of Women
The leaked documents also reveal deliberate and successful efforts to manipulate media coverage of election issues in mainstream media outlets like the The New York Times.
and Republicans have no opposing effort or source of funds that
represents even a small fraction in opposition to level of the Soros-led
manipulation contained in the leaked documents.
documents reveal that the Soros campaign fueled litigation attacking
election integrity measures, such as citizenship verification and voter
ID. It funded long-term efforts to fundamentally transform election
administration -- including the creation of databases that were marketed
to state governments for use in voter verification. It propped up
left-leaning media to attack reports of voter fraud, and conducted
racially and ideologically targeted voter registration drives.
racially targeted voter registration drives were executed at the same
time Soros dollars were funding other public relations efforts to
polarize racial minority groups by scaring them about the loss of voting
rights and the dangers of police officers.
Soros documents reveal hundreds of millions of dollars being poured
into the effort to transform the legal and media environment touching on
elections. One document notes that poverty-alleviation programs are
being de-emphasized for this new effort. It states: "George Soros has
authorized U.S. Programs to propose a budget of $320 million over two
years, with the understanding that the annual budget for U.S. Programs
will be $150 million beginning in 2013."
The purpose of the expansion is clear:
The increase in Democracy and Power Fund budget will expand funding of non-partisan voter engagement to catalyze participation from African-American, Latino, immigrant, and youth communities in particular, and to ensure a fair and just redistricting process. The increase in the Transparency and Integrity Fund will expand support for election reform, judicial independence and journalism.
are some highlights of this expansive Soros-funded campaign to alter
the legal environment and rules of American elections.