Rep. King BROKE DOWN On House Floor And Said One Thing Obama Didn’t Want Getting Out

According to the Office of GOP Rep. Steve King, Congressman Steve King released the following video and statements made during the Judiciary Committee debate. Watch the epic video below.
During his statement on July 27th, King then revealed that the State Department is under Obama gave millions to George Soros organizations.
Rep. Steve King: “I just came back not that long ago from the Balkans, where I sat in a place like Macedonia and there I learned that the United States government borrowing money from China and Saudi Arabia had handed over at least $5 million in contracts transferred through U.S. Aid ID into George Soros organizations that were used to manipulate elections in the Balkans, and that’s just particularly Macedonia – not including the neighboring countries that are there. And some of that money was used to translate Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ into Macedonian to distribute the book and the ‘Rules for Radicals’ and actions of radicals were manifested in the election efforts in that part of the world.”
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