The Great California Scam! Wind Turbines Prove to be a Huge Flop!
As old broken wind turbines begin to litter the wide open spaces of California, tax-payers are looking to pay for their cleanup.
I think the environmentalists should have to pay to clean up their mess.They either have to be removed, or replaced. Either way costs much more than the electricity they create. Much like many government subsidized green energys, wind turbines would never make it in the free market.

Not only that, they are not GREEN! The net carbon footprint worthless. The CO2 reduction achieved by wind turbines is so insignificant that one large windfarm saves considerably less in a year than is given off over the same period by a single jumbo jet flying daily between Britain and America.
The construction of the turbines generates enormous CO2 emissions as a result of the mining and smelting of the metals used, the carbon-intensive cement needed for their huge concrete foundations, the building of miles of road often needed to move them to the site, and the releasing of immense quantities of CO2 locked up in the peat bogs where many turbines are built.
They arent ‘green’.
The home of the windmill, Holland, has arrived at some common sense and has quit subsidizing them. The promises were huge and the delivery…well.. not so good. The wind decides when it wants to blow. The promises were made using manipulated data. Sound familiar?
Unfortunately the same areas that are good for siting wind farms are a natural pass for migrating birds. Altamont’s turbines have been shut down four months out of every year for migrating birds after environmentalists filed suit.
It’s a flop folks. It’s been a flop and California taxpayers have been paying for it. Worse, federal dollars have subsidized so YOU are paying for it. YOU will continue to pay for up keep, replacement, and cleanup.
The great lie about wind power is the pretence that it is not a preposterously expensive way to produce electricity. No one would dream of building wind turbines unless they were guaranteed a huge government subsidy.
- Promoters speak entirely about “capacity” which means the energy a turbine could produce if all conditions were perfect all the time. Doesn’t happen. Wind is, by its very nature, intermittent, and requires backup from a conventional power plant whenever the wind is not blowing. The expense of putting up wind farms gets an added, and uncounted, expense of building new conventional power plants.
- Wind is a preposterously expensive way to produce electricity. No one would dream of building wind turbines unless they were guaranteed a huge government subsidy. What other industry gets a public subsidy of 100% or 200% of the value of what it produces.
- The idea that the industry is somehow making a vital contribution to “saving the planet” by cutting our emissions of CO2 is a lie. The CO2 reduction achieved by wind turbines is so insignificant that one large windfarm saves considerably less in a year than is given off by one jumbo jet flying between Britain and America. That doesn’t count the CO2 emissions generated by the construction.
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