Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The 10 Biggest Lies of Socialism

The 10 Biggest Lies of Socialism

The 10 Biggest Lies of Socialism

The 10 Biggest Lies of Socialism
Aug 5, 2016 by AFP 1. The Promise: Income Equality!Everyone contributes and equal amount and equally shares the rewards!
The Reality: Everyone is equally poor. Some people work harder than others. Some are willing to let others do work for them. Not recognizing this aspect of human nature and rewarding everyone equally regardless of merit breeds resentment, envy, and laziness. The result is no innovation and little economic growth.
2. The Promise: Capitalism is Evil.The state will provide and take care of you by setting 'living wages' and forcing companies to charge 'reasonable' prices for necessities of life.
The Reality: Bread lines and shortages. Prices are a measure of perceived value at a moment in time. When government steps in and lowers (or increases) prices to 'make goods more available,' it limits the ability of entrepreneurs to know what customers actually need. Prices signal what people need more (or less) of.
3. The Promise: 'Democratic' socialism will make our economy grow.
The Reality: Venezuela has an 18-year experiment with 'democratic socialism.' It's oil-rich, but now dead broke. Even with huge oil reserves, it must import oil. Inflation has skyrocketed to 720 percent. Its currency has lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years. Its supermarkets are without adequate food and factories lack enough pulp to produce toilet paper.
4. The Promise: Equality in a class-free society.
The Reality: Everyone is equal in their misery. It is impossible for a few elites in government to know the individual needs, wants, dream, and desires of millions of people. Their one-size-fits-all plans conflict with people's personal goals. Inevitably, it requires forced compliance and restrictions on freedom to execute 'the plan.' 'You will be assimilated…resistance is futile.'
5. The Promise: Free college education! Free healthcare!And make the '1 percent' pay for it. That benefits everyone!
The Reality: Nothing of value can be 'free.' Using the power of the state to confiscate wealth from one person to give to another does not make a good or service free. It distorts the market's ability to assign realistic values. Providing tuition or health care for free causes too much demand for those services. This creates shortages, meaning those who really need them are less likely to get them.
6. The Promise: End 'boom-and-bust' cycles! Socialism ends the economic downturns and disruptions common to market economies.
The Reality: Socialism kills economic growth by penalizing success and rewarding failure. Wealth actually tends to accumulate in fewer hands in socialist economies than in market economies. As more and more are identified as 'in need' of other people's money, the more the successful are penalized. That means fewer jobs and even greater need. As in Greece, and now in Venezuela, this vicious cycle continues until the economy is so weak it can't produce enough to function.
7. The Promise: Everyone is entitled to material goods. The state ensures all people get them.
The Reality: The state is in the business of picking winners and losers which produces a favored elite with access to special privileges denied to the masses. Americans deserve a level playing field and equal access, not an entitlement to other peoples' property or fruits of their labor.
8. The Promise: Workers are liberated.Everyone will cheerfully work for the good of society.
The Reality: Workers are subject to the orders of the state and their earnings are redistributed by the state for any purpose the state wishes. They can no longer bargain with their employer because the employer is subjected to the requests of the state for the good of the majority/collective.
9. The Promise: Socialism works in Sweden.Democratic socialism has created a workers' paradise in Sweden, making it the envy of the western world.
The Reality: Today Sweden has a long way to go on the road to economic freedom but is overcoming the damage done by decade of socialism through an agenda of deregulation, free trade, a national school voucher system, partially privatized pensions, eliminating property and inheritance taxes, and reducing corporate taxes.
10. The Promise: Socialism works in Cuba.Socialism has lifted this once-poor island to a land of plenty with better medical care than America.
The Reality: Quality medical care in Cuba is a favorite socialist myth. In fact, only Communist Officials and foreign visitors have access to the kind of medical care Americans take for granted.

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