Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blog: If you didn't turn out your lights out for 'Earth Hour,' you are seriously ill

Blog: If you didn't turn out your lights out for 'Earth Hour,' you are seriously ill

 April 1, 2012

If you didn't turn out your lights out for 'Earth Hour,' you are seriously ill

Rick Moran

Tom Lifson blogged yesterday about the University of Oregon teacher who believes that climate change skeptics should be "treated" for their delusions. I wonder if that includes failing to participate in "raising awareness" about global warming by turning off your lights for an hour on Earth Day?
USA Today:
Hundreds of world landmarks from Berlin's Brandenburg Gate to the Great Wall of China went dark Saturday, part of a global effort to highlight climate change.
Earth Hour, held on the last Saturday of March every year, began as a Sydney-only event in 2007. The city's iconic Harbor Bridge and Opera House were dimmed again this year.
Australia is among the first countries to flick off the light switches each year; in New Zealand, Sky Tower in Auckland and the parliament buildings in Wellington switched off two hours earlier; Tokyo Tower was also dimmed and in Hong Kong, buildings along Victoria Harbour also went dark. All the events take place at 8:30 p.m. local time.
The WWF, the global environmental group which organizes the event, said the number of countries and territories participating has grown from 135 last year to 147 this year.
"Global warming is a big issue," said Rudy Ko, of Taiwanese environmental group Society of Wilderness. "Everybody can help reduce the problem by turning the lights off."
Ko said children should invite their parents "to turn the lights off, go out, go to the parks to do some exercise, and enjoy some family time instead of watching TV or play video games."
The idiocy of this useless gesture is such that the organizers fail to see the irony in their activism. Take a good look at the world during that one hour of darkness. That's how it will look if the warmists get their way. Electricity generation would be far more expensive, and could eventually be rationed since the likelihood that alternative electrical sources like wind, solar, waves, geothermal and the like could substitute for oil and coal is fantasy. Industrial-sized plants for alternative energy sources are decades away. Hence, the probability that even industrialized countries could see outages would be vastly increased if we eliminated fossile fuels as an energy source to make electricity.
Hard headed thinking about the future of energy is far more preferable than the approach of the addle brained greens who think that gimmicks can substitute for serious policy proposals.

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