Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Obama contraception fraud

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Obama contraception fraud

This whole so-called “accommodation” that Obama and his health care czar announced last Friday is a complete and absolute fraud.  I’ll explain this, but first let’s make sure you know why this is an issue in the first place.
What we have here is a pure election-year ploy for the woman’s vote.  Contraception isn’t expensive.  Women can have their birth control pills every month for less than they typically spend on makeup.  The whole ploy here is to set up contraception as a basic right for every woman … to make it a basic part of health care that every woman is “entitled to.”  The goal here is to be able to tell voters in future elections that if you elect Republicans they will “take away your health care.”  I can see the campaign ads now:  “So-and-so (The GOP candidate) wants to take away women’s right to basic health care services.”
But what about this head fake Dear Ruler delivered last Friday?  All we have to do is present a simple before and after comparison.
Before:  Obama’s mandate was that religious institutions had to provide for “free” contraception for all females working for those institutions through the health insurance policies provided to those workers.
After:  Now the health insurance companies are simply going to have to provide “free” coverage for contraceptives in all health insurance policies.
Can someone please tell me the difference here?  If Caesar Obammus steps forward and mandates that all insurance policies must pay for contraceptives, aren’t those insurance companies simply going to factor the cost of that coverage into the premiums paid by the employers?  Doesn’t this mean that these Catholic institutions are still going to be paying for contraceptives?
But wait!  Maybe Obama will “clarify” his mandate and tell the insurance companies that they cannot increase premiums to pay for his contraceptive mandate … or for any other mandate he comes up with.  Don’t put this one past him.  It would, after all, hasten the bankruptcy of these insurance companies … and that is the ObamaCare final solution.  When the insurance companies are run out of business the government will be there to take over with the coveted (by proggies) single-payer plan.

[This goes way beyond the issue of availability contraception. This goes to the core of religious freedom. The Roman Catholic Church teaches against birth control. The administration thinks, "so what?"

This is only the start for if they do get away with this you can be assured that the next issue will be that of paying for abortions. That will be a real game changer. Much of society is against abortion let alone government paying for abortion or even worse, government mandating that insurance companies must cover the cost of abortions.

For every mandate that is added to insurance, there is a cost. The Catholic Church in reality will still be paying for something that they teach against, birth control. The government is acting like if they don't pay for it directly or require insurance companies to pay for birth control that it will no longer be available. In their collective mind, they may think so but that is factually wrong. It will still be available at a reasonable cost. Any woman can go and get it with a prescription which is required in any case. Why is it the place of government to require that a non health issue is even in insurance coverage.

As a man, why should my insurance have to cover the cost? I will never take birth control. I will never need it.

What will be mandated next? Will Jewish Hospitals be required to serve ham on their menu? That would be in violation of their basic beliefs also. What of your beliefs or morals will be mandated changed next?]

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