Thursday, November 1, 2012

Would anybody vote for Obama and the Liberal Democrats if they knew

Would anybody vote for Obama and the Liberal Democrats if they knew - Tea Party Nation

Would anybody vote for Obama and the Liberal Democrats if they knew

Democrats lie to get their candidates elected?
For the past several years, the Democrats have maligned, ridiculed, distorted and cheated any Conservative running for political office. This has happened because, unlike Liberal-Democrats, Conservatives do not share their views against God, against life, against the family, against morals and against our Constitutional liberties. Liberal-Democrats, and their puppets in the liberal media outlets, have declared war on any gender, race, religion and economic group that do not accept their Marxist beliefs.

Democrats have to lie because, simply put, their political ideology goes against the very fabric of our culture. Their beliefs violate the basic American principles that our forefathers fought for and died to establish, and that We, The People, inherited. Simply stated, Liberal-Democrats want to steal our freedoms.
The Liberal-Democrat strategy is simple; it calls for creating crises whenever possible and inciting division to control the national dialogue. They use race and economic differences to pit the American people against one another. They conveniently insist on “politically correct” language to cheat our citizens out of their right to free speech. They label anybody who uses contrasting language a racist. Likewise, they malign the rich as if it was a crime to succeed in The United States of America, the land of opportunity.

Nevertheless, I’ve yet to see a poor man create one job!
For Liberal-Democrats, this strategy of using lies to control the political dialogue has had some degree of success—especially when they don’t have any kind of successful record to brag about. And they know that if they revealed the real truth about their political ambitions, nobody with a normal functioning brain would ever vote them into office. Consequently, they must shift the voter’s attention away from their Socialist-Communist beliefs by branding Conservatives as liars, racists, and cold blooded, self-serving millionaires.

So it’s time to dispel some of these myths:

Six of the top ten millionaires in Congress are Democrats. And if you check around, I’m sure you’ll find that outside the U.S. Congress a lot of Liberal-Democrats are millionaires. Al Gore is one of them. This guy has been milking the man-made, global warming tale for years. Michael Moore, who seems to think the Cuban healthcare system is the best in the world, made his money by making documentaries in favor of Communism. Funny thing though, Mr. Moore should live in Cuba where people eat far less than he probably does. And losing a few pounds might straighten out his thought process. Then there’s Hungarian-American, financier billionaire George Soros, who uses his fortune to help pro-Obama Super-PACs, as well as other very Liberal-Communist causes. Well, so much for the equality myth. When these people finish with us, there will be equality in the United States—everyone will be equally poor, except for the Communist cadres.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s history of Racism. In an article in the Wall Street JournalJeffrey Lord gives an account of the lost history (52 years) of the Democratic Party. Fifty-two years of racist ideology and legislation the Democrats don’t want you to know about. Briefly:
  • Between 1840 and 1860 there were six Democratic Party platforms in support of slavery.
  • Between 1868 and 1948 there were 20 Democratic Party platforms that either were silent on or supported      segregation legislation in Congress.
  • The Democrats enthusiastically passed the Jim Crow Laws between 1876 and 1965. These laws were enacted at the state and local levels to segregate the black people in buses, schools, and all public places. It called for the black people to be “separate but equal.” Rosa Parks became famous for refusing to sit at the back of the bus; she failed to obey these laws.
  • The Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan. University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease described the Ku Klux Klan as the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”
  • The 1964 Civil Rights Act was opposed by 75% of Democrats in the House of Representatives and 80% of Senate Democrats. The opposition included former Klansman and future Democratic Senate Leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia, as well as the Senator from Tennessee Albert Gore Sr., Vice President’s Al Gore’s father.

If you want to read more about the history of the Democratic Party feel free to click on the links in this article.
Today’s Liberal-Democrats are still very racist. They keep African-Americans and other minorities in chains through food stamps, affirmative action, and transfer of wealth schemes. Their much supported abortion rights kill millions of unborn babies every year. Could Liberals be using abortion clinics to keep minority populations in check? Find out what Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, had to say about abortions, minorities and African-Americans.

Moreover, after watching this year’s Democratic Political convention, I was surprised to see just how far the Liberal-Democrats have drifted away, under the Obama administration, from our traditional American values. It seems that in the last four years the Democrats replaced Jesus Christ with Obama, and Jerusalem with Mecca.

But then, some of the brightest Liberal minds realized this shuffle could cause the Party lots of votes, and they took a vote to reverse the platform. However, this did not happen without some pain. I saw the vote on television, and it certainly did not seem unanimous. In the end, there were a lot of unhappy folks (Democrat-Muslim). The voting results seemed bogus. The outcome did not convince me the Democrats truthfully wanted to put Jesus Christ and the Jews back into their political platform.

For the Democratic Party to insult the Muslim community by voting in Jesus Christ does not seem credible. Especially since our president and his administration has consistently refused to use the words terrorists and terrorism to describe attacks aimed at killing Americans and destroying our way of life. To this day, the administration refuses to call the Fort Hood shootings an act of terror, although the perpetrator was in direct contact and following the orders of the Al Qaeda leader in Yemen.

More recently, president Obama, and his administration refused to call a terrorist attack the murder of our ambassador in Libya and three brave Americans operatives who tried to protect him. Instead, the President, our ambassador to the United Nations, our Secretary of State and others have engaged in deceiving the American people by calling the attack a run-away demonstration over an anti-Muslim film. President Obama and Secretary Clinton have profusely apologized on Pakistani television to the Muslims for the film. They should be ashamed of themselves!

And yet, this administration supported the takeover of Egypt and Libya, fully aware the organization behind these revolts was the Muslim Brotherhood. The history of the Muslim Brotherhood reveals that they were formed during the 1920’s in response to British colonialism of the Middle East.
Unbeknownst to many, Al Qaeda was formed as the military branch of the Brotherhood. Moreover, in 1941 during the rise of Adolph Hitler, Haj Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti or Supreme leader of Jerusalem declared holy war (jihad) against Britain. The Mufti traveled to Berlin and swore allegiance to Hitler and formed the Arab Legion. All these Arab factions aligned behind the Mufti against British colonialism and in favor of the extermination of the Jews.

Truthfully, who do you think are the Nazis now?

It’s funny, but anti-colonialism and anti-Semitic are precisely the teachings of Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You probably remember he used to be our president’s favorite religious Pastor. The one he didn’t listen to for 20 years.

It is painfully obvious that our president and his administration sympathize with the enemies of humanity and our country. They apologize to the very same terrorists who killed more than 3,000 people on September 11th. Make no mistake, re-elect this president and he will fundamentally transform our republic—to slavery.

Everything this president and his administration have accomplished has been to the detriment of our country. Obama has managed to put our fellow citizens against one-another. He has managed to put a yoke around our country’s neck by accruing an insurmountable amount of debt. Don’t take this lightly; this debt will affect our military, our economic well-being, and our basic freedoms.

By far, Obamacare is not the worse problem we have. If we re-elect this president, and he gets to appoint a Liberal Supreme Court, I assure you that your right to own a gun will disappear, and so will your Freedoms. The reason we have been free of tyranny for the past 236 years is because we, the people, own guns.

So, I ask again: Who would vote for Obama and the Liberal-Democrats?

The short answer: Only the ignorant, idiots and people who want our country to fail and our way of life to perish.
So, if you check the facts, then you are no longer ignorant. If you refuse to look at the facts, and you don’t mind living in poverty, and you don’t care that your children will become slaves of this country’s debt and will in all likely-hood live in tyranny, then you’re an idiot and should consider not voting altogether.

Lastly, If you still vote for Obama and his minions, when you know the facts, then it is obvious that you sympathize with racists, terrorists, atheists, murderers and Communists, and I consider you the enemy of my country, my children and my children’s children.

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