Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rush Reports Credible Evidence For Assad Being Framed By Obama, Al-Qaeda -

Rush Reports Credible Evidence For Assad Being Framed By Obama, Al-Qaeda -

Rush Reports Credible Evidence For Assad Being Framed By Obama, Al-Qaeda

Do you believe the story that Basahr al-Assad actually used chemical weapons on his own people? Personally, I think there is credible evidence to support the possibility that the Syrian rebels actually used chemical weapons themselves in a sort of false flag type of attack designed to frame President Assad. The move, of course, is designed to garner support for a US-led attack or even military action action the Syrian government. This would certainly benefit the rebel cause.
Nationally syndicated talk show host Rush Limbaugh recently cited an expert on the Middle East who feels that not only is there evidence to support this theory of a rebel false flag attack, but mounting evidence. This evidence is coming from a number of different sources. Many of these sources, according to the expert Rush cited, are actually coming from sources affiliated with the Syrian rebels.
The gentleman whose peie Rush is citing, Yossef Bodansky, is a respected journalist and not just some lunatic or conspiracy theorist. According to this piece it looks like there was US intel involvement up to a week before this alleged chemical weapons event in meetings that were anticipating a major change in the war.
Bodansky actually claims that it is a joint effort between the Syrian rebels, al-Qaeda and the Obama Administration to plan and play out this false flag attack. There have been meetings between the rebels and other groups in Turkey to plan out what would happen AFTER a US attack on the country. This would happen after what they termed a ‘war changing’ event. Namely, the chemical attacks on their own people.
One of the problems that I have with the idea that Assad actually used the nerve gas on his own people is that it simply seems out of character of Assad. First, there is nothing for him to gain. His forces were actually beaten the crap out of the rebels; he had no reason to do something like this. Normally, such an event would only be considered if you were losing the war or otherwise desperate. Assad is certainly not like Saddam Hussein who wants to target ethnic groups within his country.
Another interesting thing to consider is that something like this has indeed happened before. This is apparently very similar to the tactics used in Sarajevo back in 1995 to provoke US and UN air strikes against the Serbians in order to benefit the Bosnian Muslims. Bodansky claims that “the rebels nerve gassed themselves in order to engineer a response that takes out Bashar Assad, putting the US on the side of al-Qaeda.”
This is all very interesting to consider. Obviously, it goes against what almost all of the mainstream media is reporting right now. It is also interesting to see how Obama has suddenly begun to back-pedal his way out of this. Personally, I think it is no better than 50-50 that he will get the votes he need for Congressional authorization, based on the fact that this will require 60 votes in the Senate.
Another fact of the matter is that this story and supposed evidence is not being reported from an unusually biased sourced. In fact, this is certainly at least credible enough that we should demand a full investigation before conducting any military action which may possibly be under false pretenses.

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