Friday, November 8, 2013

Former classmate: Obama had sex with 'older white guys' for drugs - Virginia Beach Conservative |

Former classmate: Obama had sex with 'older white guys' for drugs - Virginia Beach Conservative |

Former classmate: Obama had sex with 'older white guys' for drugs

On Monday, talk show host Dr. David Manning interviewed Mia Maria Pope, a former high school classmate of President Obama.
Pope attended Punaho High School together, where she knew him as 'Barry Soetoro.'
She paints a rather damaging of the young man who would eventually become president...
The 50-year-old woman who describes herself as a Christian, says that she and Obama did not get along "because one of his attributes that's still evident today is that he was even a pathological liar even back then. I'm not kidding. Every time this guy would open his mouth the most outlandish stories would come out."
It seemed like he couldn't tell the truth about anything, Pope said.
It get's worse...
Pope describes Obama's extensive drug use and claims that he acquired those drugs by basically prostituting himself.
If you were going to do cocaine it was in powder form, and it was very expensive...He would get with these older, white, gay men, and this is how we pretty much had this impression that that's how he was procuring this cocaine. In other words he was having sex with these older, white guys and that's how he was getting his cocaine to be able to freebase, Pope said.
Pope also told The Manning Report that she made several phone calls to the FBI to report the fact that Obama's use of "fake Social Security numbers."
However, no one was interested in her information, according to Pope.
Listen to the entire interview...
By Obama’s own admission, we know that he was heavily involved in the use of illegal drugs and alcohol.
In his book "Dreams of My Father," Obama wrote: "I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it."
We know that Obama is prone to addiction because he has tried and failed many times to quit smoking. We also know that he used marijuana and cocaine. It is not much of a leap to then assume that at some time, he was addicted to drugs as well.
Millions of Americans become addicted to drugs and alcohol every year. Why should we assume that Obama is any different?
Is this why the third youngest president in U.S. history, who appears to be very fit and active, refused to release his medical records as is custom for presidential candidates?
Unfortunately, due to the fact that he has not been open about much of his past and the press has served as his willing accomplice in the matter, we have no way of knowing the true extent to which Obama has used, or is possibly still using illegal drugs.
A very telling sign in such behavior is a long absence from the workplace.
Of course, Obama will not release his records from his time in the Illinois State Senate, nor can we see the records of his work at the law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill, & Galland.
If one cannot even handle the rigors of high school or college without turning to the use of cocaine...How could he effectively manage the matters of state?

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