Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Teflon Man

Teflon Man

"Ever since I've known him, Obama has had delusions of grandeur and a preoccupation with his place in history," one of his oldest Chicago acquaintances told me, "He is afflicted with megalomania. How else can you explain the chutzpah of an obscure community organizer who began writing his autobiography before he was thirty years old---and before he had any accomplishments to write about? And how else can you explain the chutzpah of a first-term United States senator, who believed he was qualified for the most difficult job in the world--the presidency--even though he had never held a real job in his life?" (Edward Klein, The Amateur 2012 Regnery)
"You can explain it with any number of words: arrogance, conceit, egotism, vaity, hubris," this person continued. "But whatever word you choose, it spells the same thing--disaster for the country he leads." (ibid)

Obama's Secrets

You often hear it said of some political opportunist that he would sell his own grandmother if it advances his own interests. And that is exactly what Obama did to his own grandmother. But you seldom, if ever, see it done with such impunity. He gets away with everything. He is the teflon man.
He made his grandmother the moral equivalent of a professional demagogue who he said, thought AIDS and drugs were the result of a conspiracy by white men against blacks and Obama dumped this rap on his 85-year-old grandmorther, Madelyn Dunham, who loved and raised him and lived alone in a condominium apartment in Honolulu and is now deceased. Did her charismatic grandson even make her aware that he was about to throw her under the bus and label her a racist.

Popularity Contest

Do the supporters of Barack Obama really want to know his deadly secrets? Many Democrats I know do not want to know the facts. I'm sure you know them too. They are pervasive on these social networks. The youth who adores Obama doesn't want to hear it. To them this contest which selected the teflon president was merely a popularity contest. BUT, it is much more than that. It saddled us with incompetence for 4 years and then 4 more; because the Republicans didn't have enough to offer for there to be much of a difference.
Obama, or Barry as he is sometimes called, says he loves America, yet his favorite, long time minister damns America and there seems to be some sense from those who have seen him at these sermons that he agrees with them - or else, why would he nod his head signaling his acceptance? We have all done it when we accept what someone is saying or we nod our unacceptance. Obama would nod his head so-as to indicate his acceptance of his ministers ruminations against America.
But some, like Chris Matthews have said, he knows Obama loves America. How does he know that? His intention to become president was signaled a long time ago. He said so to his friends. He said it when he was a Muslim. Was his intent to infiltrate the very country he hated? Was and is that his own personal jihad?
Obama is not the leftist the right-wing considers him to be. Most on the left recognize him for what he is. But the right uses that canard anyway because they don't know any better.
Spengler (a pseudonym) who writes for AsiaTimes believes Obama has a secret. In a piece written in AT, "Obama's women reveal his secret" - Feb 26, 2008, it says:
"`Cherchez la femme,' advised Alexander Dumas in: "When you want to uncover an unspecified secret, look for the woman." In the case of Barack Obama, we have two: his late mother, the went-native anthropologist Ann Dunham, and his rancorous wife Michelle. Obama's women reveal his secret:
"We know less about Senator Obama than about any ...president in American history. His uplifting rhetoric is empty, as Hillary Clinton helplessly protested. His career bears no trace of his own character, not an article for the Harvard Law Review he edited, or a single piece of legislation. He appears to be an empty vessel filled with the wishful thinking of those around him. But there is a real Barack Obama. No man - least of all one abandoned in infancy by his father - can conceal the imprint of an impassioned mother, or the influence of a brilliant wife." (Spengler)
The InterNUT can lead you astray. Always verify. Lately there have been a deluge of reports, which I find alarming. I suggest if you are interested in them you check them out. I have and I find some of it difficult to decypher (and decypering fact from myth and decoding information is something I did for a living). This is hard. For example, there is the TTP, a trade treaty, which is just the first of several, which I am trying to understand and I can hardly believe what I am reading. (search the net and check it out)
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement is being negotiated in secret...Our trade negotiators know what is being negotiated, other countries know, heads of the huge multinational corporations get to know, but members of our Congress and We, the People don't get to know. We don't get to know because if we did know it would make us sick." (Our Future)
"The TPP is a trade agreement between the United States, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. It is meant to be a docking agreement that other Pacific Rim countries including Japan, Korea and China can enter into later. When completed and enacted the TPP would be the largest Free Trade Agreement in U.S. history." (ibid)
"The treaty is being negotiated in secret. In typical DC-elite fashion our Congress and We, the People are kept from the process, while heads of multinational corporations are informed. The Citizens Trade Campaign has obtained some leaked documents, showing that the treaty is heading into dangerous anti-democracy territory." (ibid)
Also see TPP Press Release
"The TPP is the forerunner to the equally secret US-EU pact TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), for which President Obama initiated US-EU negotiations in January 2013. Together, the TPP and TTIP will cover more than 60 per cent of global GDP." (ibid)
Another alarming report from the Daily Beast disclosed the secret negotiations between Obama and the leadership in Iran months in advance of anything which took place in Geneva.
Long before a nuclear deal was in reach, the U.S. was quietly lifting some of the financial pressure on Iran, a Daily Beast investigation reveals. How the sanctions were softened. The Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran new president in June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva or the historic phone call between the two leaders in September.
A review of Treasury Department notices reveals that the U.S. government has all but stopped the financial blacklisting of entities and people that help Iran evade international sanctions since the election of its president, Hassan Rouhani, in June... Obama said in an interview with NBC News the negotiations in Geneva are not about easing sanctions. The negotiations taking place are about how Iran begins to meet its international obligations and provide assurances not just to us but to the entire world, the president said. (Obviously, Barack Obama cannot be trusted. He lied to us again. He never intended to use any other options. His option was the Chamberlain option from the get go.
"Iran is now selling between 150,000 and 200,000 barrels of oil per day on the black market, meaning that Iran has profited from the illicit sale of over 35 million barrels of oil since Rouhani took office, with little additional measures taken by the United States to counter it. Sounds like Obama decided to enter the Persian nuclear bazaar to haggle with the masters of negotiation and has had his head handed to him...
If all of this should concern you - and it should -- as it does me, read the following article. (Daily Beast)
"America is not the embodiment of hope, but the abandonment of one kind of hope in return for another. America is the spirit of creative destruction, selecting immigrants willing to turn their back on the tragedy of their own failing culture in return for a new start. Its creative success is so enormous that its global influence hastens the decline of other cultures. For those on the destruction side of the trade, America is a monster. Between half and nine-tenths of the world's 6,700 spoken languages will become extinct in the next century, and the anguish of dying peoples rises up in a global cry of despair. Some of those who listen to this cry become anthropologists, the curators of soon-to-be extinct cultures; anthropologists who really identify with their subjects marry them. Obama's mother, the University of Hawaii anthropologist Ann Dunham, did so twice."
"Obama profiles Americans the way anthropologists interact with primitive peoples. He holds his own view in reserve and emphatically draws out the feelings of others; that is how friends and colleagues describe his modus operandi since his days at the Harvard Law Review, through his years as a community activist in Chicago, and in national politics. Anthropologists, though, proceed from resentment against the devouring culture of America and sympathy with the endangered cultures of the primitive world. Obama inverts the anthropological model: he applies the tools of cultural manipulation out of resentment against America. The probable next president of the United States is a mother's revenge against the America she despised."
Does that concern you; perhaps just a little bit? What is the real modus operandi of this blank slate whose middle name is Hussein? What secrets dwell in the heart of a man who comes from places we have only heard about and tells us only what we want to hear but has very little history which would qualify him to be president, even less than the man who was the president before him. Is this really the best America can do? Are there none who can lead this country better than this? Are we ready for more of this person who is still a blank slate, who may have secrets we may not really want to know?
The following is excerpted from (SusanUnPC) Susan in
(Larry Johnson)
No Quarter Blog (Mar 18, 2008)

Obama LIED repeatedly...

[H]e said, "Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely ..."
Compare that with what Obama told the Chicago Sun-Times on March 15, 2008, "But the sermons I've always heard were no different than the sermons you hear in many African-American churches. I had not heard him make such, what I consider to be objectionable remarks from the pulpit. Had I heard them while I was in church, I would have objected. Had that been the tenor of the church generally, I probably wouldn't be a member of the church."
But on March 14, when CNN's Anderson Cooper asked Obama if he ever heard from others about Rev. Wright's controversial remarks, Obama replied with a flat "No."
Obama had the audacity to say this today: "....And the lack of basic services in so many urban black neighborhoods - parks for kids to play in, police walking the beat, regular garbage pick-up and building code enforcement - all helped create a cycle of violence, blight and neglect that continue to haunt us. This is the reality in which Reverend Wright and other African-Americans of his generation grew up."
How dare he? With the hundreds of thousands of poor people (including thousands of black people) he ignored in Chicago -- whose plight he claimed to be unaware of -- while he cozied up with his pal Rezko?
Think about it. His charisma is infectious. His message is as seductive as it is viral. Everyone wanted to hear the message of "change and hope" even to the extent of ignoring the obvious, his limited but very revealing record and criminal associates; and the children in his Illinois Senate district, those living in Rezko's apartments, those who were freezing in their rat and roach infested and falling down buildings while Rezko enriched himself as did Obama.
Hank Roth
All quoting here is in compliance with the Fair Use Doctrine
for educational and discussion purposes pursuant to

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Do the supporters of Barack Obama
really want to know his deadly secrets?

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