Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Communist Party USA chair endorses Obama's jobs plan, tax hikes

Communist Party USA chair endorses Obama's jobs plan, tax hikes - Spokane Conservative 

Communist Party USA chair endorses Obama's jobs plan, tax hikes

Sam Webb, Chairman of the Communist Party USA
Sam Webb, Chairman of the Communist Party USA
In an article posted at People's World, Sam Webb, the national chair of the Communist Party USA, gives high praise for President Obama's jobs plan.
Not only does he endorse the "American Jobs Act," he calls on supporters to get behind the millionaire's tax "in a full-blooded way."
Webb writes:
The Jobs Act, introduced by President Obama in a well-crafted and passionate address to a joint session of Congress, is not as far reaching as some other jobs proposals. The plans put forward by the Congressional Black Caucus, Progressive Caucus, AFL-CIO and Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., are more ambitious, and we recognize that they contain more in-depth solutions. But the hard fact is that none of these stand a chance of congressional approval given the current balance of forces in Congress, and in the House in particular.
The president's proposal does. The various provisions in the act appeal to a broad constituency, including political moderates in both parties.
Of course, Webb takes a shot at the Republican Party, falsely claiming that the GOP wants to hurt people in order to deprive the President of a "positive record to run on."
Even for this plan the going will be tough. The Republicans, while initially making conciliatory noises, are determined not to give the president a positive record to run on. They figure a president with no accomplishments, especially in a period of crisis, will not be returned to office.
That such a posture will hurt millions of people who are already hurting is of no concern to them.
In fact, in their view, the worse that economic conditions are, the better are their chances of winning back the White House and Congress in 2012.
Irresponsible yes, cynical yes, even diabolical, but as a political calculus, it contains some truth. Unless the American people are convinced otherwise, they could easily blame the president for the economic mess when they go into the voting booth next year. Good policy positions and eloquent speeches are seldom enough to attract voters in a time of crisis.
Actually, Webb's assertion contains no truth. For starters, it is not Congress' job to give the President a "positive record." That job belongs to the President himself, and so far, he has failed - miserably.
Republicans have put forward a number of plans to get Americans working again, but those plans have been stymied by liberal Democrats who say they want people working while pushing policies guaranteed to do the exact opposite.
Webb says the Communist Party doesn't approve of everything the President proposes, but adds the left "should not set the perfect against the possible."
"It's counterproductive," he writes.
"And let's not "damn" Obama's jobs and tax initiatives "with faint praise" - an approach that has been employed too often to no good effect," Webb adds.
Webb says that a strong grassroots campaign for Obama's 'soak-the-rich' tax increases combined with the jobs plan "will put the wind in the president's sails, give people hope and improve the prospects of a people's victory next year."
A post at Red White and Blue News notes:
Did you ever think you would see that day when the communist party would back a plan put fourth by the Leader of the free world and not have people rethinking about supporting it? Sorry folks, this is not your mom and dad’s democrat party any longer. Your party has been hijacked by commies, socialist, atheist, union thugs and people that want to destroy capitalism and every other thing that has made this country great.

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