Come on you taxpayer-hating, consent-loathing, voter-fearing pantywaists.
Cowboy up and put a full repeal of our Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights on the ballot. You know you want to. So just do it.
I’m talking to you in the Colorado Legislature who’ve been calling tax increases “fees” because you don’t trust the people who elected you to vote on their own taxes. You who want another “TABOR time out” to nibble away consent and jack up spending limits permanently.
You’ve always hated TABOR because you hate asking for permission to raise taxes. You hate asking to raise debt. You hate asking to keep excess tax revenue above the rate of population growth and inflation.
You’ve used every conceivable loophole the courts have pried open for you to keep what would have been refunded to working families.
And now you never want to have to ask again.
You know that’s what you want. We know that’s what you want. Respect us enough to stop lying to us.
You disrespect us by taking our money without asking. You come up with cute names like “mill levy freeze,” “FASTER fee,” and “hospital provider fee” because you are too scared to just ask for a tax hike. So, you take without asking.
Even with all the games you’ve played to “enterprise” most of the state budget, by putting our tax money into the legal bucket that can’t be refunded to us, the bucket that can refund some of what we’ve overpaid is spilling over with $500 million in surplus cash! And you want that too!