Sunday, July 7, 2019

Most epic break up letter ever!

Most epic break up letter ever!

Most epic break up letter ever!

July 4, 2019|American History
The Declaration of Independence is signed. America breaks up with King George and tyranny!
The Declaration of Independence is signed. America breaks up with King George and tyranny!

The Declaration of Independence is one of the most beautiful and amazing documents ever written by man. In the spirit of the signing of the Declaration, here is a condensed and modernized version. This one is toned down a lot from the original, but the principles are timeless.

Dear George-
In the time we have been together it has become very clear that our relationship is not working. It has become very destructive to me and unnatural by every standard. This relationship was certainly beneficial to you, which is why you would never agree to end it. I am telling you here and now. It’s Over. 
Although it is very clear, I know you and others will have a lot of questions so I will give you the common courtesy to explain why it is through. There are certain things, that are common knowledge and that were given to us by God, that you have no right to take from me, the list is long but at the top is my life, my freedom and my pursuit of happiness. These things are mine and not yours to take or control. In our relationship you did just that. Your controlling nature has been destructive to my freedom and threatening to my life which has not allowed me to pursue that which makes me happy. 
We both know relationships can be be worked on, or ended, but I know it can also stay the same if I remain silent and tolerate all the things that are wrong. It is my responsibility to find the relationship that works for me and that protects the things that let me pursue happiness. That is why this relationship is over and why I am going to search for one that works for me. Let’s also face the facts— you’ve been awful and here’s the evidence:
  • You don’t allow me to make my own decisions on even small trivial things, you just have to try to control every action I make.
  • You have silenced me through deception and fear, not allowing me to voice any opinion and when I try to talk, you seem to disappear to bars and turn your phone off.
  • Thank God we never moved in with each other, but still you have controlled my home and stolen my locks off my door leaving my property and myself at risk to whoever wants to come in for whatever nefarious reason.
  • You pay the police and judges salaries and tell them what to do.
  • You have sent your friends to spy on me and when they come over they eat everything in my refrigerator and pantry. (And they took all my toilet paper! Who does that?)
  • You somehow think that part of my paycheck belongs to you. 
  • You have taken my computer and phone at times and cancelled my Amazon Prime, NextFLIX and UBER accounts. 
  • You stole all of my furniture, clothing and other belongings.
  • You have kidnapped a friend of mine and killed a family member. 
  • You started drama with my family and my neighbors who both now hate me. 
There are more examples, but you get the point. At every turn of our relationship I begged you to not do what you were doing to me. Every time you shut me down, kept doing what you wished, insulted and demeaned me. I even appealed to your family for help and they just turned a blind eye. Now that I have exhausted every avenue trying to change your ways, it is time you realize that we are over and I am not your victim to torment any longer. Despite everything you have done I want to part ways as friends but if you try to control me one more time you will only find your worst enemy. 
We will no longer have any form of a political relationship. You cannot use and abuse me any longer. We are through and I’m moving forward relying on my faith for strength. Do not try to stop me or control me because I swear on my life and all that I have left, that I will live the life in the manner that I choose moving forward.

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