Breaking: Angry Judge Just Issued A Scathing Amnesty Ruling That Exposes Obama’s Deception
The language in the judge's ruling is extraordinarily blunt...
The Obama administration certainly didn’t get what it
wanted from a federal judge late Tuesday, and at the same time Obama’s
legal team got much more than it bargained for.
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen not only refused to lift his order temporarily blocking the president’s unilateral action on amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, he also issued what The Washington Examiner called “a scathing rebuke” to Obama’s lawyers for “misleading” him.
In fact, says the Examiner report by Byron York, the angry judge “came very near to accusing administration lawyers of flat-out lying to him.”
that the administration had not told the court the whole truth about
when parts of the president’s executive orders easing deportation for
certain illegals had begun to take effect.
“Hanen’s anger is apparent throughout the order. One government
assertion ‘is belied by the facts.’ A government explanation is
‘troublesome.’ Omissions from the government’s filings are
The Washington Examiner article notes that Judge Hanen even went so far as to characterize theactions and assertions of Obama’s legal team as “fabrications, misstatements, half-truths, artful omissions….”
So, for now, the president’s executive amnesty orders remain blocked by Judge Hanen’s preliminary injunction. On April 17th, the FifthCircuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear arguments about lifting that injunction.
As Breitbartreports , Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has vowed to continue to “vigorously oppose the president’s illegal amnesty plan in court.”
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen not only refused to lift his order temporarily blocking the president’s unilateral action on amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, he also issued what The Washington Examiner called “a scathing rebuke” to Obama’s lawyers for “misleading” him.
In fact, says the Examiner report by Byron York, the angry judge “came very near to accusing administration lawyers of flat-out lying to him.”
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The administration’s assertions in the immigration case have been “misleading,” “troublesome,” and “belied by the facts,” Hanen wrote. “Any number of federal judges, given this misconduct, would consider striking the government’s pleadings.”Judge Hanen’s judicial spanking of government lawyers in the case resulted from their
Doing so would effectively end the case altogether, and Hanen wrote that he had decided not to take that action because the issues at stake are of great national importance.
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The Washington Examiner article notes that Judge Hanen even went so far as to characterize the
So, for now, the president’s executive amnesty orders remain blocked by Judge Hanen’s preliminary injunction. On April 17th, the Fifth
As Breitbart
“The rule of law is at the very heart of our case against President Obama’s lawless immigration action,” Paxton said.
“We are a nation of laws, and we are proud to lead a bipartisan coalition of 26 states fighting this Administration’s unilateral and unconstitutional use of executive power.”
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