Saturday, July 4, 2015

24 Freedom-tastic Reasons Why America Is The Best Darn Country Ever

24 Freedom-tastic Reasons Why America Is The Best Darn Country Ever 

24 Freedom-tastic Reasons Why America Is The Best Darn Country Ever

Happy birthday, America!

It's that time of the year when freedom rings, fireworks ignite, and stars and stripes appear on literally everything.

1. You can pass this on the road and not even bat an eye.

2. Have to select your country for something online? We transcend alphabetical order.

3. Come on, rest of the world. Are you even trying?

4. Even children know that we can't be topped.

5. Where else in the world could you find something like this?

6. This is literally the "American food" section in a European grocery store. Tell me that this isn't the most delicious selection of food you've ever seen.

7. Best food on the planet. Hands down.

8. This is an actual question that an English person asked a typical American teenager.

9. And these were some important facets of American culture, as decided by South Korean students.

Headbanging to rock 'n roll while fighting tornadoes with guns and eating hamburgers. Sounds like a typical Tuesday to me.

10. Remember how we landed on the Moon? SIX times?

11. It's been almost 50 years and no other country has managed to do the same.

12. Even our jokes ooze patriotism.

13. And eagles.

14. Never, ever, EVER forget about the eagles.

15. While other Miss Universe contestants opt for elegant gowns, our representative was like "Whatever, I'm going to be a Transformer".

16. I think that this pretty much speaks for itself.

17. We always end up outshining other countries. Even if we don't mean to.

18. Well...maybe sometimes we mean to.

19. It's not our fault that we believe in ourselves.

20. Believing in ourselves, freedom, and happiness are kind of our things.

21. We do what we want, because we can.

22. Land of the free, home of the brave.

23. Happy 239th birthday, America.

24. Now go celebrate!

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