Wednesday, July 1, 2015

God is…

God is…

“We made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God as we knew him”.

God is…

By Sarge -- Bio and Archives  July 1, 2015

People believe because they have intellect and a repository of knowledge in the books written over the ages makes them omnipotent. They think themselves smart when really, they only have intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to gather information and store it, possibly to use it to change things in their world; possibly not. But do they have “Smarts”?
“Smarts” is a colloquial term meaning they have the ability to take what’s been learned and possibly profit from and apply it to their lives to better theirs and the lives of those around them. It’s at this state we must come to wonder about those describing themselves as: atheists, agnostics and humanists.
Atheism involves a person having NO belief in a God or higher power. His world is a flat plain with no hope of afterlife, divine intervention or final affirmative judgment given for actions taken or not taken. Life is merely a matter of momentary existence either continuing under the control of the actor or having an effect by the inaction of that same person.  It is a belief in spiritual nothingness.
Agnosticism is when a person has no real knowledge or simply doesn’t have the necessary empirical data sufficient to prove the existence of a God. In his world there is no surety of the existence of any deity. There’s no certainty that theism (the existence of a higher power) is anymore logical than the stance taken by the atheist.
Then there’s the humanist. This is a person believing science and logic as developed by seeking information that’s quantifiable and measurable are the only way to explain the unexplainable. We come to understand the manner in which we reproduce and create life to continue our race, so we think we can continually replicate the process without problems. Now with the fact we’ve mapped the human genome we believe there’s incontrovertible truth that we’ll be able to control birth defects, diabetes, heart disease etc., etc., ad nauseum, ad infinitum.
Humanism is the belief man will and can develop moral judgments and ethical actions based on his personal theories developed from debate and his personal understanding of the consequences of action/inaction and the responsibility the human must take for those actions or inactions. The belief is there should be no reliance on a religion or God. Science and philosophy are the two main parts of any ethical definition to be sought out and continually adapted in order to find the truth in any situation. No religious ideology or dogma is acceptable in the pursuit of this truth. Faith is an unacceptable option and thus is rejected outright.
In our politics today we need to turn away from the secularization of government and turn back to our knowledge of our true higher powers
Humanism started in the 1850s. It was a theoretical exercise in academic ethics and challenging debates concerning the ability of man in society being able to conduct himself ethically and morally without the guidance of any religious instruction or dogmatic immersion. But everything debated was developed over the thousands of years of belief echoed through history. The terminology placed in question was developed by societies developing customs and traditions to be followed and emulated through the ages.
Where the development of Humanism started in the 1850s, religious dogma and the definition and divination of pantheons defined and delineated the moral compasses of people around the world, HAVING faith and belief in unseen forces directed the actions of man. Across the globe people banded together in families, clans, societies with like belief systems. They developed into nations and states having deified the unknown forces and developed traditions, customs and beliefs from generation to generation. The word of mouth transmission of stories, legends and ethos for all to understand were thought necessary for survival from the influences of the unknown. The ethos is the fundamental spirit of any culture. It’s the foundational sentiment informing the members of the society of the particular beliefs and customs of the society and the predominant assumptions of a hierarchy in the order of things; especially the mystery of nature and the world.
What is being pursued here is an understanding this new format of thinking, where man seeks ascendency over his gods and goddesses, is an intellectual rebellion driven by philosophical egotists thinking they alone know everything that’s right, wrong and in-between based solely on their extended educations and immersion in philosophy. Man has never been known for his humility until driven to his knees by adversity he must ultimately admit has pummeled him to that posture. The old adage: “there are no atheists in foxholes” is true. I know from experience. Even though I trained and worked to be the best at the specific crafts and expertise necessary to do my job; I called upon every deity I knew of in Native American Culture and the basis of my religious instruction as a Roman Catholic when placed in harm’s way.
Man is a delicate animal. He’s not the strongest, the heaviest or the fastest of the animals. While he suffers all of the travails of weather and the elements as any other of the animal kingdom because he can think and reason and fear, he has a psychology that needs attendance and patronage. His emotions must be balmed so as to assuage his fears and give him hope. This is where he exceeds the rest of the animal kingdom: he can reason.
When he places an overly heavy emphasis on his personal strengths and comes to doubt that strength when put to a physical test endangering his survival, he must have something to fall back on. That would be faith. And faith is something you place your trust in when you have nothing else. Faith is what you call on when your belief in yourself flags and you must continue onward with nothing else in your arsenal.
We must make a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God as we know Him where it concerns the conduct of government and the controls of those who would govern us. Our placement of our faith in men and women betraying our trust and faith regularly leads us back to the premise we must redirect that faith and trust in a higher power we expect better of.
Throughout our history Man has looked to the unknown for guidance. We’ve looked for omens to direct our course. We’ve sought guidance through supplication of our ancestors, our superstitions and our deities. It’s only when we admit our frailty, our weakness of moral direction and definition as shaky pillars of our societies that we learn of our subservience to powers greater than we.
In our politics today we need to turn away from the secularization of government and turn back to our knowledge of our true higher powers. After all, nature can destroy anything and everything man can build over a sufficient period of time. Nothing made by men is permanent.
God is.
Thanks for listening

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