Thursday, July 9, 2015

Obama "Bringin It" To "Privileged" White America - HUD Obamathugs, Crime, Racism Relocating To Suburbs

Obama "Bringin It" To "Privileged" White America - HUD Obamathugs, Crime, Racism Relocating To Suburbs 

Obama “Bringin It” To “Privileged” White America – HUD Obamathugs, Crime, Racism Relocating To Suburbs

204 bringing it 940
The Marxist agenda of Obama and his comrades requires that all of those who are under their boots be of equal social stature. Rather than the capitalist ideals of the past which with each generation raised society in general, the Obama goal is to degrade America to third world status. We’re then much easier to integrate into a world government system, minus the social barriers of economics and nationalism. In order to accomplish those objectives, our private property, standard of living, societal cohesion and values must all be degraded. That’s where Obama and HUD come in.
On Wednesday the regime unveiled new dictates by our fuehrer, presented as these things invariably are as a humanitarian response to a crisis, with forced equality being the solution. Equality means Marxism and that’s where they’re taking us. This segment of the equality narrative focuses on eliminating racial segregation by forcing people who are different and choose to live in different areas to live together. Mandatory reporting to the federal monitors is included as a component, to ensure compliance and stamp out pockets of resistance.
In the beginning a questionnaire will be presented to assist the pliable guinea pigs in determining what it is about their unique area that needs to be eliminated in order to conform to the master plan. The pretext is described as determining what causes segregated neighborhoods, poverty, unequal access to opportunity (other people’s money) and what they describe as disproportionate housing needs. Disproportionate as compared to what, would be a valid question to ask first, in order to make such a determination. Are they attempting to dictate the size of dwelling per person or by family size, in accordance with Agenda 21? Of course they are. Is the government engaged in social engineering and population control? Absolutely. How fortunate we are to be being led down the road to Hell by Hussein Obama l, the Community Organizer King. Who would know better how to organize America’s new communities?
Local governments will be required to establish goals to comply with dictates assigned under the socialist Fair Housing Act of 1986, with reporting to the government minders required every three to five years. Just as mandatory school integration in the sixties was a dismal failure, as is foreign nation building abroad, this forced integration under the Fair Housing Act’s foolish racial discrimination mandates have no chance of producing a positive result. They will, however be extremely disruptive and destructive to America’s social fabric, which is the true desired outcome.
HUD Secretary and racism agitator Julian Castro, son of the founder of the Latino anti-white group La Raza, said, “This is the most serious effort that HUD has ever undertaken to do that,” according to the Washington Post. “I believe that it’s historic.”
It’s historic all right; so was Pearl Harbor, but it’s not something that benefited our nation. As usual, the redistribution of taxpayer money in the form of government bribes will be involved, removing it from the taxpayer, to the federal government where it will be doled out to communities based upon their willingness to grovel and submit to federal dictates.
Once again it is the anti-American leftists on the Roberts Supreme Court who have provided the federal government with the tools necessary to attack the American people. The Daily Caller notes their ruling that “any housing policy that disproportionately impacts minorities can be targeted in a lawsuit, regardless of the intent of the policy. It could indirectly force some states to move Section 8 housing to high-income suburbs.”
On the website “,” the hypocrisy of this utopian fool’s errand is exposed in an interpretation of the court mandates supposedly supporting this government overreach. They state, “The courts have emphasized the importance of both careful fair housing analysis and more diverse housing choices and outcomes.
As one state plan framed the goal, ‘the opportunity to choose where one lives is essential to endowing individuals and families, across a spectrum of race, ethnicity and disability, with the opportunity to have a choice in the selection of schools, access to job opportunities, and an ability to engage as fully equal members of their community.’”
Anyone in America has freedom of mobility and Greyhound tickets are quite inexpensive. There are areas of the country such as North Dakota which the federal government has been unable to stifle and in which job opportunities are plentiful. All one needs is the desire to succeed and a willingness to get off of the couch or the street corner.
It was the federal government who trampled on the supposed freedom to choose a school that is so highly touted as a benefit of these mandates. They initiated mandatory busing in the late sixties supposedly with a similar goal. The schools will change under these initiatives denying those who chose their communities because of their composition the ability to remain in a community of their choice. Their community will no longer exist. The objective of attaining status as a “fully equal member of the community” is arbitrary and meaningless. As for access to job opportunities, there are few opportunities in the suburbs. Most who live there commute. Unless one is seeking employment at a convenience store, landscaping or perhaps at a Lowes or Wal-Mart, potential employers are few and far between. Their arguments are flowery words which ultimately make no sense.
What is at play is an agenda which has found an excuse and is now attempting to manipulate that false premise, combined with taxpayer funds, in order to change American society for the worse, to fit their evil objectives.
Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ) successfully offered an amendment in the House of Representatives preventing the feds from “implementing the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation.” The Senate may or may not follow suit but one thing is certain; the Obama Marxists are not about to give up on this idea. It is fundamental to dismantling American society.
The only way to eliminate it as a threat is to eliminate their participation in our governmental process. That will be difficult. They’re handing out free money.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit &

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