Sunday, July 5, 2015

Racism and Obama

Racism and Obama |

Racism and Obama

What follows is my response to the video (see link below) which posits that the country is moving “into racism” instead of out of  it. The video is ridiculous on its face but is obviously believed by those that are ideologically subject to such  propaganda. View the video first. Following that is my response to it then one liberal’s reaction. I then answer her  diatribe point by point. My comments in red hers in black.
 This is total crap. How many whites voted for BHO twice? Who objected before Obama was President, to having the  first woman black Secretary of State and the first male Secretary of State? This is ALL genned up by the Dems to  explain away their horrible record in getting the country moving economically and to blame anyone else but  themselves for the crappy black unemployment which they are entirely responsible for. The race hustlers are not just  welcome at the White house, they are encouraged by it. The President who should be tamping down the racial rhetoric along with his wife are stoking the fires. It is disgraceful.
“Horrible record”? That’s rather funny, Greg Huff.
Why did you neglect to mention the “horrible record” of who caused the economic meltdown?
And why did you neglect to mention the “horrible record” of the Republican Congress who blocked every. single. effort. made by this president to solve problems?
Why did you neglect to mention the “horrible record” of the worst foreign policy blunders made by Republicans by starting the Iraq war.
As to Condoleeza Rice — first woman black Secretary of State, and Colin Powell — the first male black Secretary of State, (hold on while I chuckle for a moment), thank you for pointing this out.
First of all, Rice and Powell were both Republicans, so the racists gave them a bye because they were on the “right side”. If liberals ever opposed either Rice or Powell it was based on actual **policy**, nothing to do with race.
Try to follow me here, Greg, because I really do want you to get this. Most of the Obama haters couldn’t tell you jack diddly about actual policy or what exactly it is that Obama did to cause the intense hatred. I mean it’s so bad, Republicans go to extremes by calling this president unAmerican, an alien, the anti-christ, and that he destroyed the country. ALL they do is try to de-legitimize this president. And the amount of disrespect and vile comments about him are UNPRECEDENTED. This has nothing to do with actual policy — just hatred. Hatred of a black family living in the White House.
I forgot to reply to your other comment: “How many whites voted for BHO twice?”
Are you attempting to say that racism isn’t alive and well in this country? What exactly are you trying to defend here?
The answer to your question is the Democrats and liberals voted for him. In addition, lots of Independents and Republicans did as well — the people that John McCain scared the living crap out of when he picked Sarah Palin as a running mate. Nobody ever said all Republicans are racist, not ever — not even close. There are a lot of people who vote based purely on the issues. But I will guarantee you the racists did not vote for Barack Obama.
Thank you Cindy…I’ve responded point by point:
  • Why did you neglect to mention the “horrible record” of who caused the economic meltdown?
    This was caused by 1. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. Jimmy Carter and 2. Later the Clinton Administration who put teeth in the enforcement of it. The congress and Democrat administration requiring banks to make loans to credit risks. The Bush Administration warned congress about this and pushed (though weakly) on the dangers of these policies. Barney Franks and Chris Dodd were pushing this piece of crap legislation and the enforcing of it until it tanked. There were other reasons as well, and none in congress or previous administrations are truly blameless.

    See my piece Wrong Whys and Universal Laws

    Also see: Are Banks to Blame for the Financial Crisis? 

    And why did you neglect to mention the “horrible record” of the Republican Congress who blocked every. single. effort. made by this president to solve problems?
    This is kind of a laughable proposition. You don’t say what they blocked that would have solved any problem. They passed the bailout of the banks before Obama was president which did no good. They also passed the Stimulus after he was President. Respectfully you don’t know what you are talking about and should read something besides the left wing blogs. 
    Why did you neglect to mention the “horrible record” of the worst foreign policy blunders made by Republicans by starting the Iraq war.
    You obviously forget what was going on at the time. The resolution to authorize the President for action against the country of Iraq was voted on by the congress and it had almost universal approval. It can be debated whether it was a blunder going into Iraq. However the war was won and the insurgency was put down. The only blunder I see is Obama pulling all troops out despite the warnings of his military advisors and the warning years before from GWB of the dangers of pulling out too soon.

    As to Condoleeza Rice — first woman black Secretary of State, and Colin Powell — the first male black Secretary of State, (hold on while I chuckle for a moment), thank you for pointing this out.
    First of all, Rice and Powell were both Republicans, so the racists gave them a bye because they were on the “right side”. If liberals ever opposed either Rice or Powell it was based on actual **policy**, nothing to do with race.
    Again, laughable. There were many calls by those on the left that called Rice an Oreo and several cartoons I saw that were given a pass by the left when there would have been cries of “racism” had they been done depicting a Dem black politician or Administration member. Your memory is very selective.
    Try to follow me here, Greg, because I really do want you to get this. Most of the Obama haters couldn’t tell you jack diddly about actual policy or what exactly it is that Obama did to cause the intense hatred.
    Really? You really want me to get this? The racist gave Rice and Powell a pass because they were Republican? So…those racist Republicans will give blacks a pass as long as they are on the right side of policy? Sorry, that is inane. That logic has racist giving Obama a pass if they agree with his policy. Therefore they don’t agree with his POLICIES or they would give him a pass.
    I don’t hate Obama and I’d wager that there are very few that hate him because of his race…but I don’t have the blind devotion you apparently have toward your ideology and the embodiment of that ideology.
    You assume because he is black Republicans hate him. I certainly hate his policies. If you think it is Republicans that hate blacks, history does not back you up.
    The KKK is a Democrat invention. The Republican party was formed to fight against slavery and for abolition, it was and is abolitionist. Now listen up, ’cause I really want you to get this….It was the Democrats after the war that formed the KKK to fight against black Republicans being elected to political office. They then turned their Democrat racism to terrorizing newly freed blacks.
    History does not support the whole Republicans are racist meme. It was Republicans that supported the civil rights legislation of LBJ not the Dems. It is just that Dems are adept at lying to your face and making you believe it. It succeeded in your case and many others.
    I mean it’s so bad, Republicans go to extremes by calling this president unAmerican, an alien, the anti-christ, and that he destroyed the country. ALL they do is try to de-legitimize this president. And the amount of disrespect and vile comments about him are UNPRECEDENTED. This has nothing to do with actual policy — just hatred. Hatred of a black family living in the White House.
    Again, you are just wrong…sorry. It was Hillary Clinton that first brought up the whole birther idea during the primary campaign of his first run.
    I remember a lot of disrespect hurled at GWB. (I was not supporter of either Bush…they are big government Republicans and GWB got the U.S. into more debt than all of the other past presidents prior to him – surpassed only by Obama). There are many politicians that called him a liar …“he lied us into the war”… “he BETRAYED this country”…after they had voted to go to war and they had seen the same intelligence as the President. There was even a movie made while he was President that speculated about the assassination of Bush. It was Bush that was portrayed as the Joker first. No Dems objected to that. Yet it was so horrible and racist that Obama was depicted in the same way. Dems are disingenuous on this and many other things. Or perhaps it is just that selective memory you guys have.
    The attacks on Bush were unprecedented and so set the precedence for the attacks on Obama. Your “unprecedented” claim just does not hold water.
    Your last line of “Hatred of a black family living in the White House” is just a platitude that has no basis in fact. I am sure there are those that hate seeing a black in the White House (though strictly speaking he is as much white as he is black.) but that would be a very small minority of Republicans. (I should also say I am not and never have been a Republican). Your claim that it has nothing to do with actual policy is just a crutch … an excuse for his failed policies, not skin color, policies.
  • I forgot to reply to your other comment: “How many whites voted for BHO twice?”
    Are you attempting to say that racism isn’t alive and well in this country? What exactly are you trying to defend here?
    What am I trying to defend?  You have to peer through the fog of your ideology but I will try to explain in simple language…The point is, if the country was getting more racist instead of less Obama would not have been elected once, let alone twice. Are there racists, yes. White supremacist are a danger and closet racists probably discriminate against blacks where they can. There are also black racists who are a danger. They don’t have to be closeted however. So there is racism. What I am saying is this is not the overwhelming problem you seem to think it is.
    The answer to your question is the Democrats and liberals voted for him. In addition, lots of Independents and Republicans did as well — the people that John McCain scared the living crap out of when he picked Sarah Palin as a running mate. Nobody ever said all Republicans are racist, not ever — not even close. There are a lot of people who vote based purely on the issues. But I will guarantee you the racists did not vote for Barack Obama.
Again, you make me laugh.
First of all, Palin all but saved the McCain campaign. Many conservatives came out to vote that never would have for McCain alone. Perhaps some of the more liberal people voted for Obama because of Palin. But what is your point? Does this mean you think Palin is racist and so the enlightened Republicans voted for Obama?
Truth is there were quite a few Republicans and independents that voted for Obama because they thought it would be historic and it would bring the country beyond this racial divide. A couple of so called conservative talk show hosts in the LA area did this. If they did, many others did.
I agree white racists did not vote for Obama. I am also sure black racists did not vote for McCain.
If you believe “There are a lot of people who vote based purely on the issues.” Then it invalidates your point that This has nothing to do with actual policy — just hatred. Hatred of a black family living in the White House.” and everything to do with my main point that ALL the racism noise is being genned up by the black racists in the White House and Justice Department.

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