Wednesday, July 8, 2015

SPREAD THIS: U.S. General Calls for Immediate Arrest of Barack H. Obama for ‘Treasonous Activities’

SPREAD THIS: U.S. General Calls for Immediate Arrest of Barack H. Obama for ‘Treasonous Activities’

SPREAD THIS: U.S. General Calls for Immediate Arrest of Barack H. Obama for ‘Treasonous Activities’

President Barack Obama has made a lot of questionable decisions and carried out a lot of actions that could justifiably be characterized as treasonous. Conservative Tribune has pointed this out many times over the past year.
Now, retired U.S. Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely has said in a recent radio interview that Obama should be arrested for treason. In particular, Vallely noted Obama’s sympathies for the Muslim Brotherhood and his disgraceful response to the Benghazi tragedy.

The general added that only high-ranking military members had the power to hold Obama accountable.
When the radio program host, Joe Messina, opined that Obama could just replace the military leaders with those who agreed with him, Vallely responded, “Well, then we arrest him for treasonous activities.”
Vallely noted that the organization he heads, the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, could list at least 14 examples of treason by the president.
“We know he’s a radical Islamic sympathizer. He sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood,” Vallely said.
As a result, the Middle East is slowly coming under the control of Muslim extremist groups, explained Vallely. With the recent fall of Ramadi, Baghdad itself has come under threat and, with no change in strategy, will likely fall within months.
Vallely explained that, despite being given strategic war plans to defeat the Islamic State group, Obama refuses to carry out any of them.
“(He) has no heart. He is a loser. I think he’s a coward, and he does not want to engage,” the general declared.
Vallely believed the best way to stop Obama would be Congress cutting off funds so he can’t carry out any of his treasonous activities (H/T Western Journalism).
Failing that, Vallely essentially recommended a military coup d’état, which is probably only justified in the most extreme circumstances.
But the general passionately believes that these are extreme circumstances because Obama is a traitor. Given that scenario, jail time for the president would be appropriate.
Do you agree with Gen. Vallely? Should President Obama be imprisoned for treason? Has our federal government become so out of control that its leaders should be removed from office, according to constitutional guidelines?

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