Sunday, July 5, 2015

Young conservative CJ Pearson, family, target of death threat on Twitter

Young conservative CJ Pearson, family, target of death threat on Twitter

Young conservative CJ Pearson, family, target of death threat on Twitter

CJ Pearson, shown here with Sen. Ted Cruz, was the target of threats on Twitter.
CJ Pearson, shown here with Sen. Ted Cruz, was the target of threats on Twitter.

On Friday, CJ Pearson, a 12-year-old Georgia conservative who made news with a viral video questioning President Obama's love of the United States, announced on Facebook that he and his family had been the target of threats on Twitter. Pearson told Examiner that he's physically okay, but is "distraught" from the threat.
"I had a horribly rough night on Twitter after a woman not only threatened to sue me for expressing my opinions but threatened my family," he said. "At this point, I've decided that it's best for me to take a step back and evaluate all of my options before continuing down this path."
"In the meantime, I do have a team that will be monitoring my social networks while I take some time to spend with my family," he added. "Please keep me in your prayers."
That team, Vice and Victory, posted screenshots of the threatening tweets Pearson received. On Friday, Vice and Victory's Ali A. Akbar posted a message on Twitter asking for information regarding the identity of the person or persons who sent the messages.
The messages come from an individual using the twitter handle "Mona Hussein Obama," which clearly appears to be a fake name. The account goes by the name @MonaB2010, and as of this writing, is protected. "Obama" says she is "left to the left of Dems/libs." The account also notes: "I abuse and block all GOP/KKK/Teabaggers."
Apparently, abuse is what she had in mind Thursday night. In one tweet, she told Pearson: "[A]ll your supporters are RWNJs ... Racist Teabagger southern cons. I pray your fam is next to be killed."
In another tweet, she told Pearson that the GOP needed to "denounce" him if he wasn't an official. "Otherwise," Obama said, "we go for the lawsuit." She also told Pearson she would file a lawsuit on Tuesday.
A search of Twitter found three accounts using the name "Mona Hussein Obama." One account uses the name @MonaB2011 and claims to belong to a progressive, socialist, former Republican. The third account uses the name @racistmona and as of this writing, had only one profane tweet. It is unknown if the accounts are related. Moreover, Twitter's rules and federal law strictly forbid online threats.
Thousands extended their support to Pearson and encouraged him to stand strong. "God Bless you and your family CJ..your an inspiration to many and we all look forward to hearing from you in the future," one person said. "We need you CJ. Please don't let one crazy person (destroy) that."
Hatred and threats are nothing new for conservatives who dare to speak out. As we have reported many times, conservatives are often targeted with death threats and death wishes from angry liberals seeking to silence any dissent. Age, unfortunately, is no barrier. In 2012, for example, liberals wished death on a six-year-old after a pro-Romney video went viral.
In February 2011, we first said that liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of rage and hate. Unfortunately, liberals like "Mona Hussein Obama" prove that assertion correct on just about any given day.

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