Monday, January 2, 2017

BREAKING: Deal Between Kerry, Obama, And McCain To Arm And Fund ISIS Exposed (Photos) - Conservative Daily Post

BREAKING: Deal Between Kerry, Obama, And McCain To Arm And Fund ISIS Exposed (Photos) 

BREAKING: Deal Between Kerry, Obama, And McCain To Arm And Fund ISIS Exposed (Photos)

The Rise Of A Powerful Foe, In Just 8 Years
The Rise Of A Powerful Foe, In Just 8 Years
There are several key moments in history when one is forced to stop and reflect on the gravity of what has happened. One of those critical historic moments just took place, and now it’s sending shock waves through the political arena.
Let’s take a step back, and look at the timeline of events that led up to what has now happened.
In August of 2014, Obama gave a speech during a press conference where he firmly stated that he “did not have a strategy” to defeat ISIS, insinuating that they were a small “JV” force not to be concerned with.
Then, just two months later, Josh Earnest held a press conference with major media outlets where he told journalists and reporters that, “Our ISIS strategy is dependent on something that doesn’t yet exist.”
The Duo That Made Big Things Happen For ISIS And ISIL
The Duo That Made Big Things Happen For ISIS And ISIL
And now, leaked audio recordings of a meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and Barack Obama have come forward. When you listen to this audio footage (in the video below), think critically and keep in mind the timeline presented above. Policy decisions were made at a very high level, and now brutally clear evidence has come forward to reveal just why those decisions were made.
One last thing is important to note before we move forward; this story was practically hidden by the media. It received virtually no coverage during the election cycle, and major outlets still refuse to weigh in on the bombshell news. Such a small reaction from government-controlled news outlets gives further evidence that the deadly decisions made by Obama were not only deceitful, but criminally treasonous.
The recording reveals:
  1. Obama wanted the removal of Bashir Assad in Syria
  2. In order to accomplish this goal, Obama was complacent to watch the rise of ISIS by hedging his bets on the fact that a radical jihadi force could overthrow Assad
  3. In order to make that happen, Obama and Kerry supplied weapons and ammunition to ISIS and even stopped a Syrian-led attack against ISIS that ended up killing 80 Syrian soldiers and saving thousands of radical extremists
It’s very likely that your jaw is wide open at this point. The scope of what this means is severe. Our government gave rise to a radical Muslim militia that has not only killed American soldiers defending our freedoms in the Middle East, but has also attacked us on our own soil in multiple confirmed terror attacks.
But we can’t forget what took place in during September, October, and November of this year. Hillary promised a no-fly zone in Syria (alarm bells should be going off in your head by now). And when the corrupt establishment saw that Hillary wasn’t going to win, and they wouldn’t be able to institute pro-ISIS foreign policy actions, they hastily began to attack Russia.
Obama has even used the FBI and the CIA to declare that election hacking was brought on by Russian forces, when there is zero evidence of such. Edward Snowden, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, and even Attorney General Loretta Lynch have said there is no physical evidence of foreign intervention.
But here’s the GOLDEN TICKET: Russia is helping Assad to rid the region of ISIS. Now does it make sense why Obama, Clinton, and the entire corrupt establishment has suddenly taken up arms against Russia? Obama is even willing to go to war with Russia to save ISIS from destruction, and to protect himself from criminal prosecution—really stop and think about that.
Key points of interest within the audio file are found after the 18:30 mark.
But we’re not done yet. Ready for some more shocking evidence? John McCain, and several other “establishment Republicans” have furiously fought Trump and continue to do so. You might be wondering why they would do such a thing, even now after Trump’s victory.
Take a look at John McCain’s visit to Syria, where the entire mass media said that the men he met with were “moderate”. This was during the same time when McCain and several other key figures were focused on spreading the idea that Muslims are peaceful, and that radical Islam doesn’t exist on any major level. Here is one of the iconic photos spread from his visit:
Those men don’t look too bad, right? WRONG. Look at their true identities, now confirmed years later:
But that’s not all, Mouaz Moustafa was also seen with anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin.
So here we have not only the President of the United States, the FBI, the CIA, both Clintons, key Rublicans, and even additional 3rd party candidates who are all part of the same operation. It makes perfect sense why the entire media and even the Republican party was against Trump—they are all in the same bed together.
We’ve had strong suspicion of Obama’s outright treason for some time, but now there’s stone cold evidence, and there’s WAY more people involved than we ever thought. News of this evil must be spread. Take to social media and make this known. We now have bold evidence, and we must act as a unified body of Patriot Americans to make it known.
Nothing has slowed down since election night—there’s wind of an uprising, and it’s aimed at one fateful day: January 20th 2016.

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