Koran-Burning Pastor: Impeach Obama
January 10, 2012 By 5 Comments
running for president. And his campaign website, Stand Up America, just posted an article entitled, “8 Reasons to Impeach Obama.”
Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who threatened to burn a Koran (and eventually did), is “A US President can be disqualified and removed from office for ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors,’” the campaign statement begins. “We see Obama’s ‘service’ to our country as a trail of bribery, fraud, intimidation and lies.”
Among the actions that outrage Jones are:
- The president’s continuing financial ties to ACORN;
- Allegations that the president used “illegal tactics such as ballot stuffing, falsifying documents, voter intimidation outside polling places, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters to gain votes for his 2008 primary election”;
- His “refusal to release his long form birth certificate or the microfiche as well as his college records“;
- “Car dealerships owned by minorities and women have been given special treatment by the Obama administration as part bailing out the auto industry. His administration is also responsible for the forced closing of a number of dealerships located in rural areas that did not vote for Obama“;
- The president “attempted to bribe Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter”;
- The oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico;
- Ending Bush-era oil drilling contracts, thus depriving the nation of needed sources of energy; and
- “Obama’s illegal practices are also greatly responsible for the legalization of abortion in Kenya by the spending of $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).”
The Impeach Obama Campaign is not associated with Pastor Jones. Its founder, Floyd Brown, has strongly denounced the pastor. Many of the campaign’s supporters disagreed with his stance at the time.
Whatever one’s opinion of Jones’ Koran-burning past, it seems he is thinking clearly on the impeachment issue today.
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