Thursday, January 19, 2012

Obama Filed Election Petitions From People Not Registered To Vote: Other Major Violations

Obama Filed Election Petitions From People Not Registered To Vote: Other Major Violations

Obama petitions to be challenged in Illinois; President may be tossed from ballot
The Objectors

January 13, 2012: Today, a group of Illinois citizens are filing objections to the petitions to place Barack Obama on the presidential primary ballot in Illinois. If successful, Obama will not appear on the ballot in the March 20 primary election.

The group issued the following statement:

“This is a protest against Chicago machine corruption in Illinois. We are attempting to remove Obama from the ballot using the same tactics he used in his first election. Obama removed his primary opponent for Illinois Senate with a petition challenge, and denied the voters a choice to vote for anyone but him.

“The Chicago Democratic Party has rigged the system using arcane election laws so that it is difficult, and often impossible, for anyone other than an incumbent to win an election.

“They have created a petition process that ordinary citizens cannot navigate. If your petitions aren’t numbered or bound correctly, or lack the exactly correct language, you are denied ballot access.

“They have gerrymandered the districts across Illinois specifically for incumbent protection through the use of racial politics. They divide the people based on race, and if you’re the wrong color, you have an uphill climb.

“They have created a system where local Alderman grant and deny access to city services based on political affiliation. Business owners won’t put up campaign posters for fear of having liquor licenses or zoning permits denied. Residents are fearful that their garbage won’t be picked up or their sidewalk fixed if they’ve got the wrong sign in their yard. If you’re not part of the Machine, you are routinely denied access to public speaking forums in the communities groups that depend on the good graces of the local Alderman.

“These tactics may be alien to many outside of Chicago, but it’s an unfortunate way of life here. This is the system that spawned Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel. These are the tactics that they use here, and use on a larger scale in Washington.

“We think it’s time that the rest of the country know about it, and for Barack Obama to be hoist with his own petard.”

The Obama campaign filed approximately 4,500 signatures to put Obama on the primary ballot. The required number was 3,000. Many of the signatories were not registered to vote, signed more than once, or neglected to add their address.

Multiple petition sheets lacked the circulator’s signature or were not notarized.

The signatures were filed on the last day of the filing period, and were “done in a sloppy way” according to multiple local election lawyers. It is common to file a greater number of signatures than the Obama campaign filed to account for signers who are not registered to vote.

Petition challenges were recently used to deny Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry ballot access in Virginia.

Informally dubbed the “Chicago Objectors”, the group is comprised of concerned voters who are tired of Chicago machine corruption in Illinois.

It’s unclear whether a successful challenge to Obama’s entry onto primary ballot will prevent him from appearing on the ballot in the presidential election in the fall.

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