Monday, September 24, 2012

Agee: 7 Things That Prove Obama is Not Christian

Agee: 7 Things That Prove Obama is Not Christian

Agee: 7 Reasons Obama is NOT a Christian, or Fan of Christianity...

B. Christopher Agee over at Western Journalism and Informed Conservative put together an article called "Obama’s Actions Prove Further Shift From Christianity".
I'll summarize his article below and have linked to the sources that he uses.
  1. Obama's first exposure to religion was Islam through his step-father.
  2. By trying to be more accepted, Obama attended Rev. Wright's church which confirmed anti-American sentiments Obama may have heard as a child.
  3. Obama snubbed Easter and Good Friday on the same yea without issuing any statement. Except on Good Friday, he praised Earth Day.
  4. But he is quick to make statements regarding Islam. For Ramadan, he said that he wanted to extend his family’s “warmest wishes to Muslim Americans and Muslims around the world,” ending his statement by saying he “look[s] forward to again hosting an iftar dinner here at the White House. Ramadan Kareem.”
  5. In 1995, Obama is quoted as saying followers of Jesus show “intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia,”.
  6. Obama speaks of Islam as the “great religion” with a “commitment to justice and progress.”
  7. Obama says the US is "no longer a Christian nation".

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