The Unconstitutionality of Most 2nd Amendment Limitations - The 9.12 Project Network - Help Us Restore America!
The Unconstitutionality of Most 2nd Amendment Limitations
By Jared Law | March 02, 2013
Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America,
which has been part of our inspired founding document for over 221
years. On December 15th, we will mark the 222nd Anniversary of the
ratification of the Bill of Rights, and the all-important Second
Amendment, which helps Americans secure the rest of their God-given,
Natural Law rights, which are referenced in the Declaration of
When in the
course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve
the political bands which have connected them with another, and to
assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to
which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them...
law has been a foundational part of at least some part of human
civilization going back to Adam and Eve, and the line of great
patriarchs in antediluvian times.
After the great flood, wherein the wicked were drowned in open
rebellion against God, Noah and his family continued the tradition of
respecting natural law, and through Abraham, Issaac, and Jacob, and the
establishment of Israel, then later, the establishment of Christianity
within the Roman Empire, the laws of Nature and of Nature's God have
been respected by at least SOME of God's children here on Earth, if not
most, then much of the time.
To be brutally honest, however, in most of the world, for most of its
history, human nature has driven mankind into despotism, and while
pockets of civilization respected Natural Law, most of humanity has
existed without their Natural Law rights being respected. From the Magna
Carta, when English Common Law was given a serious boost in respect for
Natural Law, to the Constitutional Convention...from the establishment
of the Kingdom of Israel to the Declaration of Independence, respect for
Natural Law rights has been a special exception to most of the world,
and the United States of America has been, since the ink was dry on the
Declaration of Independence, the greatest defender of liberty, both for
Americans, and for the world, in the history of the world.
The justification for law-abiding citizens to keep & bear arms is as
foundational as the right to life, liberty, free speech, religious
expression, etc. As many intelligent people have said time and time
again, without the 2nd Amendment, there is no 1st Amendment.
From Adam and Eve, to you and I, anybody who wishes to arm themselves,
so long as they do not use those arms to oppress others, and deny them
their Constitutional rights, here in America, may, and that right is
protected by the immortal words of the Second Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States, which was, of course, included in the
Bill of Rights that James Madison and others insisted on, before the
Constitution was ratified.
It isn't just time for that to stop,
it's time to actively work our tails off to 'reset the system,' and get
legislation passed which recognizes the constitutionality of keeping and
bearing ALL arms, and which eliminates ALL REGULATIONS except keeping
the dangerous menally-ill and violent felons from lawfully exercising
this right.
Access to ammunition, ammo clips, reloading, gunsmithing, and other
attendant devices, supplies, technologies, and materials, must be
likewise protected. Americans have the right to purchase arms and
attendant supplies at market cost, uninflated by artificial,
bureaucratic means.
As Glenn Beck, and many others, have pointed out, the
Founding Fathers did not limit 'arms' to 'small arms,' and the American
Revolution included the extensive use, on the American side, of
privately-owned artillery (read: cannons). That means that restricting
American citizens who can afford it, from owning cannons, artillery,
mortars, tanks, and other innovations and 'large guns,' is
UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Only when an individual's weapons are
used to commit crimes should any limitations be placed upon THAT
INDIVIDUAL's NATURAL LAW, God-Given, and Constitutionally-protected
RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (of any size). Period.
We must be dealt with as INDIVIDUALS, and just because one person
commits a crime using a firearm, does not mean that law-abiding
citizens' right to keep and bear arms can then be infringed. 'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.' Not 'shouldn't be infringed, unless some Democrat sociopath massacres a bunch of innocent children...'
Let us now refuse to accept restrictions of ANY KIND on the sort of arms
we can legally own. The Constitution doesn't grant the federal
government the authority to infringe upon Americans' freedom to
purchase, own, manufacture, transport, store, sell, and give any and all
arms they can afford.
Do you want to own an M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank? If you can afford
the hefty price tag, and you aren't a sociopath or a violent felon, why
shouldn't you be able to buy one (or more)?
The right to keep and bear arms, as outlined in the Constitution,
contains no limitations on future advancements in weaponry past 1791.
The Constitution clearly states our right to keep and bear ARMS shall
not be infringed, not our right to keep and bear muskets or hunting
rifles, or rifles over a certain length, lacking concealability. The 2nd
Amendment simply doesn't restrict our right, and the Federal Government
has ZERO authority to infringe upon our 2nd Amendment rights. So why do
we allow them to do so? Should we continue to allow them to limit us in
ways the Constitution prohibits, thanks to the 2nd, fourth, ninth, and
tenth Amendments to the Constitution?
Personally, I believe the time for allowing such tyranny is now in
America's past. It's past time to demand our rights are respected, at
every level of government. And we mustn't allow our states to limit our
Constitutional rights, whether you're talking about our First, Second,
Third, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendment rights, or any other
Constitutional rights, effective immediately.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
And the Militia, in those days, just as it is (whether some admit it or
not) today, consisted of every able-bodied man and older boys, who were
capable of fighting.
Not only is it our Constitutional right to keep & bear arms, but it
is a NATURAL LAW right, with which we are Endowed by our Creator, as the Declaration of Independence so eloquently reminds us:
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to
secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed...
One cannot reasonably ignore that foundational text of one of our most
important founding documents; it we have the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE,
we have the right to self-defense, and we cannot really enjoy liberty,
or the pursuit of happiness, in this life, if our life is cut short by a
violent criminal (or tyrannical government), now, can we?
The the laws of nature and of Nature's God grant mankind the right to
self-defense. The principle of self-defense is such a fundamental one,
that even the most peaceful major world religions, Judaism and
Christianity, allow for the shedding of blood in self-defense. Denying
Americans the fundamental right to keep and bear arms isn't just
unconstitutional. It's immoral; if you deny somebody that right, then
their blood is partially on the hands of those who instituted, and
supported such regulations.
Here's one of my favorite video clips, which includes five words that
express how all Americans SHOULD feel about their 2nd Amendment rights:
Every genocidal dictator in world
history of which we're aware had a policy of disarming the general
population of the target nation. From Mao to Stalin to Hitler, all
Marxist dictators wish to be able to slaughter innocents who disagree
with them, without having to deal with a resistance that can shoot back.
The Principles of Freedom enshrined in the Constitution are as
necessary for a fullness of human happiness and prosperity as oxygen for
us to breathe is necessary for our continued survival.
it bears repeating that we cannot fail to educate our peers about the
FACT that the Militia of a nation consists of its able-bodied men and
young men. The right to keep & bear arms is a sacred right; it
guarantees the security of a free state, from all threats, both foreign
and domestic.
And at this point, we should probably just assume anybody who wishes to
disarm us wants to fully enslave, and commit genocide. Nobody who wishes
to engage in the wholesale disarming of the American people should be
above suspicion as a genocidal maniac. After all, every genocidal
dictator from the 20th Century disarmed their people, then slaughtered
millions, even tens of millions. America has, for far too long,
tolerated politicians' demonizing of those who freely exercise their
right to keep and bear arms. It's time to expose the DEMONS who wish to
disarm the American people!
It isn't just time for that to stop, it's time to actively work our
tails off to 'reset the system,' and get legislation passed which
recognizes the constitutionality of keeping and bearing arms, and which
eliminates ALL REGULATIONS except keeping the dangerous menally-ill and
violent felons from lawfully exercising this right.
And access to ammunition, ammo
clips, reloading supplies and equipment, gunsmithing, and other
attendant devices, supplies, technologies, and materials, must be
likewise protected. Americans have the right to purchase arms and
attendant supplies at market cost, uninflated by artificial,
bureaucratic means.
question: What have YOU done to prepare yourself and your family, so
that you need not fear? Do you have sufficient food, water, fuel,
clothing, boots/shoes, medical supplies, essential drugs, guns,
ammunition, etc. stockpiled against the time of need?
If you haven't get purchased your first pistol, revolver, home
defense/combat shotgun, bolt action, lever action, or semiautomatic
rifle, why not? What about stockpiling food, water, medical supplies,
essential drugs, guns/ammunition, fuel, clothing & shoes (especially
for growing kids), and other essentials? When will you begin to
prepare? If you spend money on tobacco and/or alcohol, on Cable TV, on
gambling, on eating out at restaurants, or any of the comforts of our
modern society that aren't essential to your survival, but not firearms,
ammunition, food, fuel, water, medical supplies, essential drugs, etc.,
when are you going to wake up, and prepare for what's coming?
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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