This day in 2000...
This day in 2000...
This day in 2000 compared with today.
A Federal Budget comparison.
Figures from
Brought to you by Mesa County Patriots
Item ... 2000 (% of budget)... 2013 (% of bdgt) ...Chng % of bdgt
Defense............ 302 Bill. (17.4%).. 664 Bill. (18.5%)....(+ 1.1%)
Social Security... 392 Bill. (22.6%).. 780 Bill. (21.8%)... (-0.8%)
Mcare/Mcaid..... 322 Bill. (18.6%)... 818 Bill. (22.8%).... (+4.2%)
Fed. Pensions..... 85 Bill. (4.9%)..... 215 Bill. (6.0%)...... (+1.1%)
Income Sec. .....135 Bill. (7.8%) .... 352 Bill. (9.8%)..... (+2.0%)
Interest on Debt... 227 Bill. (13%).. 223 Bill. (6.2%)..... (-6.8%)
All Others.......... 265 Bill. (15.3%).. 523 Bill. (14.6%).... (-0.7%)
Total................ 1.728 Trillion......... 3.575 Trillion
Other Items to Note
.....................................2000........ 2013 ............ % of Change
National Debt............... 5.7 Trill.... 16.8 Trill............ +194%
GDP........................... 9.32 Trill.... 15.69 Trill............ +68%
Fed Spending .............1.728 Trill... 3.575 Trill.......... +106%
Fed Revenue ..............1.8 Trill....... 2.5 Trill............... +38%
Fed Spen. to GDP Ratio... 18.2% ......22.7%................ +4.5%
Fed Rev. to GDP Ratio..... 19.3% ......15.9%................. -3.4%
Interest paid on debt......... 4%........... 1.33%............. -2.67%
Key points
-If we currently still paid 4% interest on our debt, we would pay $672 Billion a year, MORE than our current Defense Budget.
-If the federal government only grew 3% a year since 2000. We would have a balanced budget with current revenues.
Stay tuned for a local and state budget analysis too.
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