Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ethanol Regulations Will Increase Gas Prices 30% by 2015 | EPA Abuse

Ethanol Regulations Will Increase Gas Prices 30% by 2015 | EPA Abuse

Ethanol Regulations Will Increase Gas Prices 30% by 2015

Gas prices will increase about $1 per gallon by 2015 and take a $550 billion bite out of Americans’ take-home pay when the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) increases the ethanol mandate past the 10 percent “blend wall,” according to an October 2012 study by the National Economic Research Associates (NERA), commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute (API). (See NERA study.pdf)
The API launched an advertising campaign this week called “Fuel for Thought” to repeal the RFS regulations. The ads read: “The higher ethanol mandate could damage your engine. And void your warranty. Your engine won’t like it, but your mechanic will.” (See  Fuel for Thought.pdf)
API Downstream Group Director Bob Greco said during a Monday press conference that the organization is pushing the White House and Congress for the elimination of RFS regulations, and supports Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s (R-Va..) bill, “The Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act” (H.R. 3098).
But EPA disputed NERA’s findings. In a statement to, the agency claimed that the ethanol regulations will have “little net effect on retail fuel prices.”
The RFS regulations require a gradual increase in the percentage of ethanol that must be blended into fuel. In 2015, the mandate exceeds 10 percent ethanol, which is the maximum concentration the majority of conventional cars can handle without damage to their engines.
Read more at CNS News. By Taylor Knopf.

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