Sunday, November 23, 2014

High Cost of US Health Care?

High Cost of US Health Care?
Health care is not a "right" and Politicians are NOT elected to office to act as our doctors, surgeons or pharmacologists, or as insurance brokers, bankers and lenders, nor as venture capitalists or investment advisers, and
not even as educators! Why does anyone think these things are the role of politicians or government in the first place?

Leftists blame all perceived problems with US health care on corporations and profit, but conveniently and dishonestly ignore all the decades of government regulations and meddling that have contributed to the very problems they decry. Such people are either ignorant of the facts or intentionally omitting them (ie: lying to further a political agenda).

Our problems are caused by TOO MUCH government, not too little of it. And more government has NEVER fixed anything.

Health care in this country isn't broke, our government is.

But of course, it's not Fascism when Dem's do it..

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