Saturday, May 2, 2015

After the Riots and Al Sharpton, Only Person Accused of Murdering Freddie Gray is Black

After the Riots and Al Sharpton, Only Person Accused of Murdering Freddie Gray is Black

After the Riots and Al Sharpton, Only Person Accused of Murdering Freddie Gray is Black

CNN and MSNBC have not had a chance to get to it yet, but you will soon hear the name of Caesar Goodson Jr described as a white black man, an Oreo cookie, an Uncle Tom or any other description that black.  Yes, the only one of the six officers charged with murder (in the 2nd degree) is black.  Two other officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray are also black.
Of course, the charges are bogus and were brought by an overly political prosecutor by the name of Marilyn Mosby.  She charged officer Goodson with Second Degree murder charges.  Here is the legal definition of 2nd degree murder:
n. a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility. Second degree murder is different from First Degree Murder which is a premeditated,intentional killing, or results from a vicious crime such as arson, rape, or armed robbery. 
In order for Goodson to be guilty of 2nd degree murder, you have to prove that Goodson foresaw the fact that Gray would intentionally try to injure himself and break his neck in the process.  And if that’s the criteria we are going to use, we will have to start arresting police officers every time a prisoner hangs himself in a cell.  Or anytime a hostage taker shoots himself before the police can arrest him.
I agree with Sheriff Clarke in Wisconsin.  This is the Duke rape arrests all over again.  Marilyn Mosby is doing the wrong thing for all the wrong reasons.  Both she and her husband are ambitious, politically motivated people willing to do anything to advance.  It doesn’t even matter that the main character is black.  The tamestream media isn’t exactly falling all over themselves about that fact and it’s not likely they will.
From now until eternity, Freddie Gray’s death will be known as a murder perpetrated by whites.

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