Thursday, July 9, 2015

Initiative 20

Initiative 20

Think Obamacare and the health care issue is old news?
Colorado Initiative 20 is a radical socialist idea to bring single payer to Colorado via a ballot initiative in 2016. Socialists are on the streets of Colorado today collecting signatures in an attempt to fool a misguided and ill-informed population as to the real plan: total government control of Colorado's healthcare system. Worse than Obamacare, section 1332 of ACA which they claim is an opt out, is an opt in to Obamacare on steroids.
Don't let those you know be fooled by the lies and deceptions as the proponents of Initiative 20 paint socialized medicine as the most humane and effective system. They are even telling Christians it's their moral obligation to give government control of healthcare to help the poor while at the same time telling volunteers "Post-Faith" societies all provide universal healthcare. People of Faith, turning over your obligations to assist those unable to help themselves to a Godless state is not fulfilling your obligation.
It's not about health care; it's about controlling your health decisions and eliminating any choice you as an individual and families have. it's placing government in control of every aspect of your life.
It's not compassionate. It's not the Christian thing to do. It's an old worn out Marxist way of thinking. The allies of Initiative 20 include the Socialist Party USA.
Colorado State Senator Irene Aguilar is leading this effort which will cost taxpayers $30 billion; more than the entire state budget and require taxpayers to absorb another 10% tax increase and that's just what they admit to. There will be no limit to the taxes they can raise since this scheme will be immune to TABOR.
This is a serious threat to our liberty and freedom and very few people even understand what's going on right under their nose. It's up to us to educate everyone we know as the enemies of healthcare freedom are spending millions of dollars to destroy what's left of our healthcare system in Colorado. The single payer infrastructure is already being put in place under the governor's office and millions in grants are being used to lay the ground work.
If the radicals in D clothing are successful in duping Colorado to fall for the lies of utopian government controlled healthcare, we lose more than our ability to obtain any measure of quality care for our families, we become a socialist nightmare unhinged from any foundations of individual freedom and a state overwhelmed by the fiscal realities of a system impossible to fund.
Don't assume your neighbors know what's is coming; they don't. Don't assume your state legislators know what's coming; many don't. The proponents of Initiative 20, for now operating under most people's radars, think they have this in the bag, but they are making a mistake. They aren't counting on our being willing to fight.

1 comment:

  1. Dude...first go check with how many of your neighbors..."faithful" or not, use social security, medicaid, or medicare...How many drive on Federal, State, or County Roads....then give up your pitiful squawking about Socialism, and realize that all societies have a social component...
    Secondly, please use that fine Christian "obligation" to describe how fabulously it is fulfilling the needs of all Americans.
    And finally, stop making a fool of yourself
