Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Romney’s Dominance, Crowley’s Corruptability, and a President Doomed By His True Self | Breaking Down Hollow Liberalism

Romney’s Dominance, Crowley’s Corruptability, and a President Doomed By His True Self | Breaking Down Hollow Liberalism

Romney’s Dominance, Crowley’s Corruptability, and a President Doomed By His True Self

President Obama set on tough guy mode?  Check.
Overfed liberal moderator ready to make a mess out of things?  Check.
Crowd filled with half awake Democrats pretending to be undecideds?  Check.  
Alright then.  Let’s begin the second 2012 Presidential Debate!
Yes.  Cheat to win is the Democrat’s mantra.
It always has been.
But this time it’s not working.
Mitt’s too sharp.   Obama to hollow.
And to be honest, it’s sort of a thrill watching the Democrats sink to a new level of desperate with each passing day.  What will they do next?!  Spray Romney with a fire extinguisher?  Let Axelrod moderate the final debate?  Blast a tape of Joy Behar screeching “George W. Bush” over and over again every time Romney speaks? Sadly, this election isn’t just about entertainment.  And although we can now all look back at the second debate and get a good laugh at the Left’s scuzzy ineptness, the truth is that America deserves – and needs – a far better debate process.
The obvious question then is why does Mitt – or any Republican for that matter – keep consenting to referees who make their living as shills for the other side?
It is a mystery.
One that not even Ann Coulter could solve when she was on Sean Hannity last week.
What we do know though is that Martha Raddatz’s performance was nothing; nothing compared to the garbage that CNN’s Candy Crowley pulled the other night.
Yes, Candy Crowley.  Queen of the town hall and defender of our factually challenged President.  When Crowley said she was going to run the show she wasn’t joking.  Our moderatorship interrupted Romney 28 times as opposed to the 9 times she paused the President and she let Obama have the last word eight of eleven times.  Candyland was in total command.  So much so that Crowley made the debate rules up as she went along.
Mitt Romney:  I think I’m allowed a chance to respond to the President here.
Candy Crowley: The hell you are!
Mitt, come on.  There’s no way I’m letting you win.
And the President’s guardian angel had help.
The town hall format is ridiculous in itself but why is a debate being influenced by a group of people who still can’t figure out who or what they’re voting for?  Sure most of the audience was already in the tank for Obama, but the concept of filling the auditorium with a bunch of undecideds makes no sense.
Neither did letting Candy hand pick the questions to be asked.
There were twice as many anti-Romney queries as there were ones that even remotely challenged Obama.  And like I referred to above, most of the audience looked and sounded like the same pod people who were chanting “Hope” and “Change” four years ago.  But hey, this was Candy’s party.  And I guess to her an undecided guest list means undecided as to how many times each of these odd souls would try to vote for Obama next month.
The nation from where the town hall audience was selected from.
And for the first two-thirds of the night none of this mattered.   Mitt again showed that he is the superior man.  Superior in intellect, superior in character, and superior in the ability to lead this country.
It was so wonderfully one sided that goosebumps were running up my arm by the time the eleventh hour topic of Libya came up.  And as usual, Obama had zero to say as he stuttered  about the wormy speech he’d made in the Rose Garden the morning of the attacks.
“Yes!” I yelled,  ”time for the knockout punch!”
However, our moderator had other plans.
‘Wait, Governor!  There’s some sort of transcript on my desk that says whatever the President is lying about is actually true!”
Crowley then made double negative history as she cited a misquote to support Obama’s staggering lies concerning his reaction to the embassy slaughter.
A Michelle Obama led crowd cheered,  Romney lost a part of the momentum he’d so meticulously built up, and Obama made an emotive speech about standing over coffins.
Yay! The moderator is helping my husband!
This is what happens when you let liberals run the show.
And it still wasn’t enough to save Obama.
Not in the debate and not in this election.
Barack has now shown us his two personalities; both opposite sides of the same miserable coin.  And while Mitt Romney has been exceedingly Presidential, Obama has let his depressingly sinister nature slip through.
This is where the undecided vote comes into play.
We can talk all we want about Obama being a socialist or a communist, but to many voters, these terms just don’t hit home.  The essence of a political ideology can be easily disguised by a man like the President and undecided voters can be fooled by the sort of romanticized rhetoric Obama uses when pushing his agenda.  However, the more Romney presses Obama, the more the President’s inner self is leaking out.  And while it’s true that Romney ran circles around Barack on the economy, jobs, and national debt, it is the way the President personally reacts to Romney that is so strongly affecting the independent vote.
Nihilism: An extreme form of skepticism.  Total rejection of established laws and institutions in order to clear the way for a new state of society.  
This is the core of what Barack Obama is.
And it supersedes any Marxist labeling.
We can look at the old Soviet Empire as an example.  Yes, the Russians were a scary oppressive pain.  And yes, their statist philosophy immensely contributed to their demise as a global force.  But the Soviet leaders at least sought to empower their nation.  They wanted the best space program, the best athletes, and the best military.
The Soviets wanted to be strong.
The President wants to permanently cripple America.
Romney is a creator and Obama is a destroyer.  And throughout these debates, the President is coming across as creepy and angry.  A man who is unnaturally incensed by a challenger who seeks to uplift this country.  It is this rage that, if only on an instinctive level, is causing most independents to reject Obama.  Independents are not liberals.  They can see that something is flat out wrong with the President.
The media can no longer hide what Obama is and a moderator can’t cover it up.
The President is unraveling and Romney has now taken the Left’s best shot.  He is too smart for the Obama, too determined to be stymied by liberal games, and too sincere for America not to respect him.
The oddsmakers made Obama the favorite to win this election.
Americans will make Mitt Romney the next President of the United States.
Copyright 2012 Spencer Wolfe

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