Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spelling is hard

Spelling is hard: Obama supporters wear ‘Foward’ T-shirts at Biden rally, tweet #Foward; Update: #Foward hashtag hilarity

Oh, dear! Seriously, our aching sides can’t take much more. But, wait, there’s more! It wasn’t just one woman who was wearing a T-shirt reading “foward”; it was two!

Twitter users are doubled-over with giggles. Can it trend?

1 comment:

  1. I had a tweet with someone about this yesterday. I said, "Hmmm ... How's dat pubwick skool edgumakayshun werkin out fer dem?" His reply? "Pourly!"

    I followed up with "Notice when we call them out for their notorious spelling, they call us 'grammar/spelling police.' Go figure!" Too funny! :)
