White House: Obama will announce tomorrow he's stopping ObamaCare
[REALLY?] dgp
White House: Obama will announce tomorrow he's stopping ObamaCare
By Mike Ross
The White House announced late tonight that President Barack Obama will
be holding a new press conference tomorrow to announce that he will
fully suspend all efforts to implement the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. The president is going to
announce that ObamaCare can't work, it won't work, and there is no way
to implement it in such a way to obtain the savings and coverage of the
uninsured as the health care reform was intended to function.
At the same time, the president will declare a state of health care
emergency, and in using emergency power vest in the president, he will
take immediate actions to implement Single Payer Health Care. The
president will announce the nationalizing of all hospitals, health
insurance companies, and related firms. They will all be merged into a
new entity, which will be independently run under government
supervision, as is the Postal Service, that will be called The National
Health Security Service. Just like Hillary and Bill Clinton promised in
1993, all Americans will be given Health Security Cards that they will
present when showing up at a hospital or physicians office for visits or
White House press secretary Jay Carney said this new heath care system
will insure 100 percent coverage, eliminate health care fraud, and
finally bring down the costs of health care since all profits in the
industry will be eliminated. Carney said the system will insure you will
keep your doctor and your plan because now they're all under the
umbrella of the National Health Security Administration, an agency of
more than 1.2 million federal bureaucrats, that will administer the new
National Health Security Services system.
When asked, Carney had no knowledge of whether the new 60-story twin
towers being build in Fairfax County, Virginia will be the new
headquarters for the Health Security Administration. Online universities
such as the University of Phoenix are already vastly expanding the
enrollment in their Masters degree programs in Health Care
Administration to train new future bureaucrats for HSA employment.
Barack Obama may well have had a dream about this, until his alarm clock
rang and it was time to wake up and face reality again. “Michelle, I
had this amazing dream that ObamaCare failed and instead we used
emergency powers to implement single payer health care...”
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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