Sunday, December 1, 2013

Serious Push to Eliminate Term Limits – The New Obama Raw Deal | The Liberty Digest

Serious Push to Eliminate Term Limits – The New Obama Raw Deal | The Liberty Digest

Serious Push to Eliminate Term Limits – The New Obama Raw Deal

The talk and the trial balloons are starting to float around about the prospect of repealing the 22nd amendment and allowing the sitting president, B. Hussein Obama, to run for a third term.
The latest offering appeared in the Washington Post this morning, as an opinion piece from Jonathan Zimmerman. Zimmerman is a professor of history and education at the bastion of liberalism, New York University.
On the surface, Mr. Zimmerman’s remarks seem reasonable and fair, putting the choice of “more of a good thing” into the hands of the people. If that were the case, it is hard to argue with. But politicians are like ticks. Once they get their heads buried, they are tough to remove. They only see the host.
He deems the American public to be capable of determining what is best for them, without the need for a legislative restriction. Sadly, most Americans are woefully uninformed, disinterested and intellectually lazy followers. They vote based upon the sales pitch, what the candidate looks like, who their friends are voting for, and what’s in it for them, especially short-term.
The professor’s theory makes term limits sound like an intrusive and unnecessary “nanny state” type of thing, but if it were, of course the liberals would be the ones endorsing it.
The integrity of our electoral process is dubious at best. Election fraud is rampant, systems are in place to propagate fraud, Illegal aliens are encouraged to vote and knowingly registered, we’ve had graveyards full of dead people voting and more votes cast in precincts than registered voters time and again.
There has been voter intimidation at the polling places which went unpunished by the Eric Holder justice department, and there are always issues with military ballots not being counted.
We’ve got fraud-inducing same day registration, early voting and virtually every type of shady angle imaginable on voting to provide a fertile environment for fraud. Most distressing, the electronic vote and count capability, as subjective as it is, has been given to an overseas company and moved to Spain. American votes counted in private in another country, then sent back to us, without a paper trail. This is not a secure or trustworthy or even intelligent way for rational people to elect their leaders. It is, however, a brilliant way for criminals to remain in control and evade domestic oversight.
Now we’ll have Democrat activist groups involved in the obamacare process registering voters through the IRS and navigator positions. Any previous misconceptions about the system being objective can be completely discounted. Our system is already in place to re-elect a Democrat. If it can be connived to be B. Hussein Obama, it will be.
We have an administration that is willing to lie in order to meet their objectives, straight faced, repeatedly, unequivocally, “look you in the eye” lying to the American public on a range of topics. We all know the scandals, we’ve all heard that “the president learned about it on TV, the same way most of you did.” Most of us recognize those claims for what they are, but it buys time for the interest and heat to die down. Most of us are not ignorant enough to belief much of anything that comes out of the palace at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
The point that counters every reasonable and fair argument that Mr. Zimmerman makes is that term limits are a protection against an illegitimate regime, such as that which is now in place, and which is strengthening its grasp on power daily.
Term limits are not an affront to the will of the people; they are a protection against the usurpation of the will of the American people.
The elimination of term limits would remove a bulwark against an illegitimate regime taking power and never relinquishing it through voter fraud. While still possible, we do have the situation where a despot would find himself forced to abdicate or govern by proxy every eight years. That provides an opportunity to regain control of our government from the hands of those who might improperly have taken it.
Bad people will do bad things, and many in positions of power got there by doing bad things. They will not act in any less sinister of a manner when faced with the prospect of relinquishing their seat at the head of the table.

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