Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bombshell in Colorado: The Quote Mark Udall Wants Everyone to Forget

Bombshell in Colorado: The Quote Mark Udall Wants Everyone to Forget

Bombshell in Colorado: The Quote Mark Udall Wants Everyone to Forget

Mark Twain once said that if you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. In hindsight, that advice really would have benefitted Mark Udall. Last night, the Denver Post reported a bombshell that will most certainly dog Udall for the remainder of this election.
The report says that in the first Senate debate in 2008, the candidates (Mark Udall & Bob Schaffer were asked their plan for healthcare. Udall, then a Democratic Congressman said, “I’m not for a government-sponsored solution. I’m for enhancing and improving the employer-based system that we have.”  Udall then went to Washington and voted for ObamaCare.
“Mark Udall was elected on a lie,” Cory Gardner said. “Mark Udall promised he would not support a government-sponsored solution and he broke that promise and voted for Obamacare.” The ad writes itself. Yes, ObamaCare is very unpopular in Colorado, but even more, the revelation shows, quite starkly, that Mark Udall cannot be trusted. 
Udall’s lie was compounded when, less than a year after being sworn into office, he expressed support for a government-run public option as part of ObamaCare. The Fort Collins Coloradoan reported in June 2009: “To get to universal coverage, Markey and Udall said they’re willing to consider a so-called ‘public option’ – favored by President Barack Obama – which would be a government-run plan that would compete with private insurers. … Udall said: ‘Generally, I support having an insurance option available to Americans that is not motivated by profit and that competes with profit-driven insurers on a level playing field.’”
It didn’t stop there. In April 2010, after ObamaCare had become law, Udall again said he supported a public option: “Udall said he supports creating a public option, but added, ‘I thought we needed to bring this drawn-out process to an end.’”
The takeaway? 2008 Mark Udall said one thing to get elected and ever since Udall broke his word, he has been deceiving Coloradans and advocating for government-run healthcare.
Coloradans, like folks across the country, are tired of politicians who say one thing to get elected and do another after being elected. Mark Udall has run a stale, tired campaign. His support for ObamaCare is a problem, as is his recording of voting with Obama 99% of the time. The fact that Coloradans can’t take Udall at his word is perhaps his biggest problem of all.
Seize the day,

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