Sunday, September 28, 2014

UNREAL: Obama Gives Syria $200 MILLION to Celebrate Muslim Holiday

UNREAL: Obama Gives Syria $200 MILLION to Celebrate Muslim Holiday

UNREAL: Obama Gives Syria $200 MILLION to Celebrate Muslim Holiday

It seems that President Obama thinks himself a king, and he’s correct, though not in the way he’d probably like. No, he’s not the ruler of a mighty nation, but the king of bad decisions.
Despite his administration crumbling down all around him due to the many scandals that have plagued his time in office, all of which have his terrible decision making at their root, he continues to make folly after folly.
One would think that after catching backlash for breaking official U.S. policy and making an illegal deal to negotiate the release of a traitorous American soldier, and after being relentlessly investigated for countless infractions of the law, giving away taxpayer money to Syria for the celebration of a Muslim holiday would be the last thing Obama would want to do.
Perhaps the president isn’t that concerned about his approval ratings after all, because this is precisely what he has done.
An official statement released by the White House announced that the President spent an obscene amount of money to help Syrian Muslims enjoy celebrating Eid al-Fitr.

via Red Flag News:
In an official White House release, President Obama said: “Michelle and I send our warmest greetings to Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr here in the United States and around the world. During the past month, Muslims have honored their faith through prayer and service, fasting and time spent with loved ones.”
Then, he gets to the best part of any holiday celebration…the gifts!
“To help the many Syrians in need this Eid al-Fitr, the United States is providing an additional $195 million in food aid and other humanitarian aid, bringing our humanitarian contribution to the Syrian people to over $1 billion since the crisis began.”
If anyone else were occupying the Oval Office right now, donating $200 million to Syrian Muslims would be an unbelievable outrage, but this is the kind of nonsense we’ve all come to expect from Barack Obama.
While this is hardly shocking, it’s still infuriating because America’s economy is suffering, and these tax dollars could’ve been better spent here at home. Our troops are severely underpaid and are not receiving the funding needed to supply adequate benefits and health care, yet our Commander-in-Chief blows a wad of cash on a war-torn country on the other side of the world. It’s time for this guy to be kicked to the curb. 
Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that sending foreign aid to a war-torn Muslim country, while not adequately paying our troops is a waste of tax money.

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