The CDC quietly released a document on Ebola that admits the virus can spread through aerosolized droplets. On their website, the CDC also stated that Ebola can contaminate surfaces such as doorknobs, causing infections to be spread through indirect means. THEN THEY TOOK IT DOWN!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has removed a warning from its website that Ebola can, in rare cases, spread from person through coughing and sneezing.
The tricky move came a day after the New York Post reported on the existence of the poster.
Here’s the original document:
Then they replaced it with a newer, less scary, less truthful one: Read their new PDF carefully here and ask yourself if they believe someone sneezing on you or a surface they’ve touched is dangerous – don’t take our word for it.
Hat Tip Natural News:
In other words, the CDC is now admitting it lied all along and that Natural News was correct from day one when we warned you about indirect transmission routes of the Ebola virus. (The CDC has always insisted it could only spread via “direct contact.”)
“Ebola is spread through droplets,” the CDC document now reads. Mirroring exactly what I’ve been telling millions of people in my free audio course at the CDC now says “A person might also get infected by touching a surface or object that has germs on it and then touching their mouth or nose.”
Yeah, we know. In fact, everybody in the independent media has known this for months, while all those who watch mainstream media sources are just now realizing this because they’ve been repeatedly lied to by CDC and NIH spokespeople.
The CDC has offered no apology whatsoever for intentionally misleading the public up to this point. Apparently, lying to the public is such a common activity at the highest levels of the CDC that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.
“Droplets can contaminate objects like doorknobs,” the CDC document goes on to admit. This also means that Ebola can contaminate all sorts of surfaces, including ATM keypads, subway car hand rails, airplane tray tables, taxicab door handles and much more.
This also means the CDC’s previous assertion that Ebola could only spread through “direct contact” is utterly false. It’s just one more reason to never trust anything the CDC tells you. (The CDC has already lost tremendous credibility in all this, and it’s going to lose even more before this is finished…)
Just this week, a stunning new scientific study found that Ebola can survive on contaminated surfaces for up to 50 days.
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The Government says they don’t want you to panic – but I have news for them: The fastest way to a full-blown panic is when people think they’re being lied to. Nice job CDC..
From the NY POST:
The CDC acknowledged that people can catch the virus by coming into contact with droplets from an infected person on a doorknob or other surface.
If a person touched those droplets and touched their eyes, nose or mouth for up to several hours later or more, they could contract the deadly contagion, the CDC said.
“Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,” the poster stated.
The poster prompted Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC., to charge that the agency was sending mixed messages.
“The CDC said it doesn’t spread at all by air, then they came out with this poster,” she said. “They admit that these particles or droplets may land on objects such as doorknobs and that Ebola can be transmitted that way.”
Asked Thursday why the poster was pulled, Nass replied, “I think they probably didn’t like the story in The Post!”

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci said the risk of Ebola becoming an epidemic in the U.S. is essentially zero Thursday at the Washington Ideas Forum. He also said an Ebola vaccine will be tested in West Africa in the next few months.