Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Were Christians Always So Left-Wing?

Were Christians Always So Left-Wing? 

The education and social milieu that our clergy and laity have been raised in since the 1930s or so have been increasingly inculcated by the Frankfurt School ... and overturning that basic orientation among them is probably past the point of impossibility.
At the College Fix site, headlines like these appear: "Will Georgetown Remain a Catholic University?" and "Catholic University's accreditation at risk because it punished conservative professor for his tweets," and "What does it even mean to be a 'Catholic' university, anymore?"
Consequently, "many Catholic universities have adopted the political[ly] correct fads of secular universities."  Though "[c]ampus leaders claim that Catholic universities' 'commitment to social justice' differentiates them from non-parochial colleges ... they neglect to mention that they have defined the term 'social justice' so broadly that campuses now welcome chapters of the pro-abortion Law Students for Reproductive Justice."  Thus, "professors who support Catholic teachings have come under siege on their own campuses, usually with little support from their academic administration."  Hence, "campus progressives, who wanted to move the curriculum away from a focus on Western civilization to an emphasis on race, class, gender, and sexual orientation" prevail in an effort "to render the Catholic identity of ... colleges merely nominal."
For example, "Notre Dame awarded its 2016 Laetare Medal," the "oldest and most prestigious honor accorded to American Catholics, to the pro-choice Catholic vice president, Joe Biden, who had helped President Obama implement the HHS mandate that forced Catholic institutions, including Notre Dame, to provide insurance coverage for free contraceptives, including abortion-inducing drugs, to all employees. Kevin C. Rhodes, the presiding bishop of the Notre Dame diocese of Fort Wayne–South Bend, who declared that Biden's 'gravely irresponsible rejection of Catholic teaching on abortion and marriage should disqualify him from Notre Dame's Laetare Medal.'  Notre Dame's faithful alumni complained as well, but to no avail."
The article "Exploring Intersectionality: A Self-Study of Learning Together"[1] is the product of "teacher educators at a small catholic [sic] liberal arts institution in the mid-Atlantic, USA who infuse intersectionality and social justice topics in classroom discourse attending to [their] students' experiences as first generation college students from immigrant and underrepresented backgrounds."  Besides the leftist jargon, it is noteworthy that at this Catholic university, the word "Catholic" was lowercase, and "catholic," which means "all-embracing" or "universal," was chosen. 
Thus, racism is not good except when it is applied to white people; equality of opportunity is ignored because equality of outcome is the ultimate goal; destruction of property is irrelevant as the "earnest young seeker employs a double standard of political morality, suppresses facts, shuts out the truth by smearing it, [and] shouts so what remains of conscience will not be heard."
Those who have lived under communism know only too well its evil as they warn Americans.  Toledano asserted that for those lured by the deceptive messages, "mass purges, slave labor empires, and systematic assassination no longer offend [because] it's all for the good of the world [and] if, in order to build the perfect society, all democratic rights and human decencies are jettisoned" so be it.
Continual and "dispassionate exposure of the  communist and fascist totalitarians and their propaganda" coupled with the ardent belief that "our democratic civilization cannot be jeopardized by flirtations with death" must be the antidote to a "blind acceptance of an irrational doctrine."  It must be a never-ending effort.
Eileen can be reached at

[1] From Textiles and Tapestries, 2020.

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