Thursday, August 15, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: I Have Evidence To Put Obama In Jail // Mr. Conservative

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: I Have Evidence To Put Obama In Jail // Mr. Conservative

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: I Have Evidence To Put Obama In Jail

Many of us suspect that Barack Obama has engaged in criminal and/or illegal acts, but nothing can be proven. The vexing questions surrounding his birth remain unacknowledged. He’s kept his fingerprints from appearing directly on such scandals as the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal, the Fast & Furious scandal, and the Benghazi scandal. However, a Muslim Brotherhood member is now claiming that he has hard evidence that, if revealed, is sufficient to put Obama in jail.
Khairat Al-Shater, a Muslim Brotherhood leader, is currently languishing in an Egyptian jail. However, his son, Saad Al-Shater, is making news by claiming that his father possesses evidence that could put Obama in jail. Saad revealed this news in an interview with News Agency Anatolia in Turkey.
Saad further claims that the reason the Obama administration’s frantic efforts on behalf of Muslim Brotherhood leaders (including Sen. John McCain’s and Sen. Lindsey Graham’s failed effort to get the Egyptian military to release Muslim Brotherhood leaders) arise because Khairat is blackmailing Obama into acting on his and the Muslim Brotherhood’s behalf.
ccording to Walid Shoebat, a former PLO member and now an outspoken opponent of radical Islam, Saad’s statement reads as follows:
In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater, said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison. He stressed that the senior U.S. delegation currently visiting Egypt, knows full well that the fate, future, interests and resputation of their country is in the hands of his father, and they know that he owns the information, documents and recordings that incriminate and would condemn their country. Such documents, he says, were placed in the hands of people who were entrusted inside and outside Egypt, and that the release of his father is the only way for them to prevent a great catastrophe. He stated that a warning was sent threatening to show how the U.S. administration was directly connected. The evidence was sent through intermediaries which caused them to change their attitude and corrected their position, and that they have taken serious steps to prove good faith. Saad also said that his father’s safety is more important to the Americans than is the safety of Mohamed Morsi.
Writing at his own blog, Shoebat revealed that six different Arabic sources confirm that Saad did indeed state that his father possesses information that could land Obama in prison.
We find it hard to believe that Obama would entrust his personal safety to the Egyptian government. We find it less hard to believe that he would entrust his personal safety to the Muslim Brotherhood. What we do believe that something very, very bad was taking place in Benghazi last September, as evidenced by the fact that, beginning on the night of the embassy attack that killed four Americans, the Obama administration has been working frantically to bury the story.

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