Sunday, October 26, 2014

Crisis In The Capital… Leadership Desperately Needed In Washington DC…

Crisis In The Capital… Leadership Desperately Needed In Washington DC…

Crisis In The Capital… Leadership Desperately Needed In Washington DC…

image                                              When hot chow is given to a Marine in the field senior Marines eat last. The senior Marine always takes care of their men. A Marine will never ask you to do something that he or she is not willing to do themselves. They take care of their Marines and their Marines always take care of them. Their mission is to protect the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. They don’t wory about feelings getting hurt or political correctness. They love this country, its traditions, and don’t like when people mess with it. We don’t see color of skin, the church you attend, and don’t judge others for their lifestyle choices. If you stand with this country a Marine will gladly stand with you.
We have a few bad apples in Washington that are showing they don’t stand with this country. Marines have a loyalty to God, country, and practice many religions. We have a few in our government that stand with their religion, and not with this country. We have law makers who claim to be leaders but the only thing they do is follow. To many politicians are casting their vote the way their party is casting its vote. They vote on the needs of special interest groups, while ignoring the needs of our people. There are 535 law makers but in reality there are only two. There is one democrat, and one republican with 533 followers. We are on the brink of war and it’s time to put leadership back in our capital. It’s time they realize being voted into office doesn’t make them invincible. They are not above our laws, and we expect them to enforce them.The laws of this country are designed to protect us. When anyone including the president is allowed to break our laws it puts this country in danger. Marines go to prison just like everyone else when they break our laws. It’s not to punish them it’s to protect everyone else.If politicians want to lead they should stop following, and get to the front. The president swore an oath to protect this country, and he is not keeping that promise. This country and its safety come before all others. The president is just a man who can stink up a bathroom just like us. We owe it to these kids to stop him from stinking up the whole damned country. If he wants approval ratings to go up then tell him to seal our border. Any law-maker can stand on a stage, and try to blow sunshine up our butt. A true leader will gain our trust through action, and should be done by sealing our border first. I hope anyone planning on running in 2016 reads this article. We are tired of all the lies where your words have become less than cheap. Take care of the American people, and they will take care of you. Stop looking down on people and they will start looking up to you. We need leaders in Washington so the people can have someone to follow. I hope all the followers just follow each other right out of office… God bless each and everyone and may God forever bless this country! Semper Fi, Shep

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